laguna beach, day 1

after nuvo, disneyland, and california adventure we headed out of the city
and spent two days in laguna beach.

dusty’s aunt nadine & uncle david,
plus their 8 children,
malia, melani, maile, mele, martin, michael, moana, and momi.
+ spouses with more children…
all live in the most charming homes in or near laguna beach.
they have resided their for a long time now,
and i feel like they kinda own the place.

when we first arrived, we walked just a few steps from auntie’s home to catch the local free trolley. {yeah, the kids loved it} we strolled downtown, did some shopping, stopped in the local gelato shop. dined on pizza. it was a great tour of the local scene.

while cruisin’ around in the trolley we passed this, did you even know that was a sport???
who knew?!?

immediately after our trolley adventure, we were another few steps away from auntie’s house, and we were in their own secluded local cove. at the beach.

kj was on his boogie board, seconds later.

the tide was pretty high at first, and sela would have NOTHING to do with the ocean. every time a really high tide came in, she literally started climbing rocks to get away.

so, she snuggled herself in amongst the kayaks, boats, and lifeguard high on the rocks with her own little patch of sand. and happily played by herself, with her shovel, and bucket, far from the water.

kiana and myla couldn’t wait to go out on the kayaks.

dusty took myla and cousin martin took kiana…

they had the best time!

miss twelve must point her toes, even when exiting a kayak!

if any family history buffs are out there,
please tell me…

when your husbands cousins have kids, how are they related to husbands kids?
seconds cousins? once-removed cousins? nothing?

this yummy little blonde below is miss ocean. the adorable girl. ocean.
she and sela are cousins, of some sort, i think.
because sela’s dad & ocean’s mom are cousins.

these two had so much fun together.
ocean’s momma, moana, was 41 and a half weeks pregnant while we were there.
and she was doing all she could to try and put herself into labor.

yours truly, moana {plus ‘flower’ the unnamed baby girl past due}, and allyson {martin’s wife}

two angels in the sand.

i just love the contrast of these two, the little blonde and the little brunette.

they could not be any cuter!

dusty has promised me when he retires we will live in manhattan for one year.
now, i want to live in laguna beach the second year, and be on a lawn bowling team.
planning our future is so fun!

what do you plan to do, one day?!?

3 responses to “laguna beach, day 1”

  1. holy crap! Dolphins while kayaking… only to your family! that is "priceless"

    love these pictures and i believe that sela and ocean etc… are "second cousins" we have some of these in our family, but still refer to them as cousins! haha

    could their names be any more beautiful, i was expecting them to look like the native new zealander with those names.

    gorgeous family! yours and theirs…

  2. Ooooh, we will live near you in Manhattan! I'd also like to live in Boston, maybe more than NYC. I have to take little steps to dreaming, though, I'm still sad when Matt tells me that I will have my days free in 4 short years. It makes me sad to think of that right now! I can't imagine having all our kids gone!
    It looks like you have a wonderful hidden cove to play in, love the dolphin experience!

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