busy, busy bees
wow. last week we were all doing school projects around here.
i finished my finals, woo-hoooo!
now, there is almost three weeks of no classes. sounds beautiful.
next semester i’ll be taking a typography class, and yet another art history class.
i was considering not going to school this next semester, felt so tired.
then, i bought new pens. and new supplies get me super-excited.
it’s kinda like cleaning. i don’t get overly excited about actual cleaning,
but i get pretty thrilled over new cleaning products.
go figure. lets be honest, i’m just an outstanding consumer.
myla has spent the past two months studying georgia o’keefe,
panini’s and gingerbread houses…
tradition. i obsess over traditions…
our annual thaanum {my moms-side-of-the-family} family christmas party.
the menu always changes, but the activity remains the same.
gingerbread houses!
{want a great item to put on your christmas list? add this!}
we love it around here,
and it was used again last weekend at the family party.
my secret-panini ingredient – this.
don’t question me.
add those stackers with muenster cheese…
and whatever else you love,
the combination makes panini’s magical.
happy belated birthday…
we have a family tradition of visiting santa at our local mall ever year.
{previous years, here, here, and here!}
he’s magical, this santa has a real white beard, real white mustache, and white hair. can you imagine spending your entire golden years looking like santa?!? all year long! if he has grand kids, they must think grandpa is the coolest guy in town.
kiana would like a new laptop, hers died this year.
myla has no idea what she wants. maybe an iphone, maybe money to save for things she wants,
thanksgiving point – holiday lights…
i typically dislike upsells.
however, if you choose to go see the holiday lights at thanksgiving point this year… {click here for more info}
the 3D glasses are pretty cool. they come in 3 special effects themes,
snowman – snowflake – gingerbread man.
we purchased one of each. this causes every light you see to have one of those shapes floating next to it.
turns out, those floating shapes are pretty darn cool.
sunroof = best seat in the house for christmas lights!
the night we went, {the day after thanksgiving}
we were the only car driving through the christmas lights.