how do you feel about the tradition of christmas cards? a lost art? you’ve never sent one? you always send one?

i’m having an inner battle with the expense and time involved. i adore christmas cards – i have a preparing/addressing/stamping party of one when i’m preparing ours.

but, this year, we have maybe received 40-50… and, i sent almost 300.

should i stop? is it not-green to be doing so?
{my envelopes & washi tape from here andhere, personalized stamper from here.}

regardless, i still enjoy the tradition.  and, if you are not on our mailing list –


this year, to keep things simple, i used pre-made gingerbread men + house kits from Trader Joe’s. i’ve used every gingerbread kit on the market in years past, and i’ve made homemade gingerbread — out of all of the above, these were my favorite. maybe because we purchased them early in the season? the gingerbread was impressively tender & moist. even my kiddos started eating it before our projects were finished!

i watched my two younger kiddos frost their gingerbread, arrange candies, and balance candy canes to make a festive roof display.

my oldest daughter wasn’t interested in gingerbread this year,


fenway park, tour…

December 18, 2011

when the howell boys were visiting, we headed to fenway for a tour…

fingers crossed we get to go to a bruins game before this season ends!

fenway park tours, click here for more info!


dear readers, my images/photos lately look a bit grainy & i haven’t changed anything on my side. do they look this way on your screens? please let me know… thanks! xoxo.


“The first outdoor living history exhibit you will encounter on your visit is the Wampanoag Homesite, located on the banks of the Eel River. Here you’ll discover how the 17th-century Wampanoag would have lived along the coast during the growing season; planting their crops, fishing and hunting, gathering wild herbs and berries for food, and reeds for making mats and baskets. You’ll see different kinds of homes including a mat-covered wetu, the Wampanoag word for house, and a bark-covered long house or nush wetu, meaning a house with three fire pits inside. Food is cooked over an open fire using only the ingredients that were available in the 1600s.


holiday pretzel treats

December 13, 2011

my friend gave us these little goodies last year,
and i about ate the whole batch!
she used this recipe.

…this year, we had to make our own!

Bite-size, waffle-shaped pretzels
Hershey’s Kisses or Hershey’s Hugs

{a great treat to have the kids help!}

we made designs out of our pretzels —


{sela’s pattern}


Heat the oven to 170F.
Set a number of bite-size, waffle-shaped pretzels (one for each treat) in a single layer on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper,


thanksgiving 2011

December 12, 2011

…i had attempted to get most of the cooking/baking done the day before so i could enjoy the festivities with our gang.

we started the day at our local high school football game.

wellesley vs. needham
this is the oldest h.s. rivalry in the nation!
is that so cool?!?

sadly, we lost…

but, clearly, we still had fun!
look at all of us cheeeeesin:

we have this tradition that on thanksgiving,
we have “snacks” for lunch –
crackers, deli meat, cheese, veggies, pickles, fruit, dips…

and then –
