fedoras in cabo san lucas.

December 28, 2011

if you are traveling with the rhodes family – specifically, me. there is a good chance i might convince a beach vendor to let us borrow eleven fedoras. then i might line you up, and ask you to march in a straight line across the sand. + a little booty shaking. in front of lots of people.

just so i can play with the pictures and create* something like this:

fedora par-tay!

…we just arrived home from our annual pilgrimage to mexico. ten days of family time, and relaxing – we are now ready to conquer what lies ahead! cheers to good friends, sunshine, and fedoras! do you travel over the holidays?


cabo submarine

December 28, 2011

our family has been traveling to mexico, on a regular basis for nine years.  i’m guessing a dozen trips, split between mazatlan and cabo – and, our friends the Blands have gone on almost every one of those trips with us. it’s ideal with our kids all being such good friends. needless to say, mexico is truly a home away from home. for most of those nine years, we have done the same old things, on every trip.  we’re in a south of the border rut.  

however, this past trip we shook things up and tried a couple of new things…  call us wild & crazy!

first, we ventured over to the gorgeous cabo marina, and we took an underwater adventure on the cabo submarine!



December 26, 2011

for the past week we have been in cabo san lucas.

if you have followed this blog for a while, you already know our family is a fan of mexico…
{see here, and here}

and, i am obsessed with instagram. an iPhone photo/social network app.

…my friend caroline from the armelle blog sent me an email a month ago sharing information about followgram. she also included a link to decor8’s post that included the following information:

“Do you use Instagram? If so, Followgram is an excellent companion.


our christmas.

December 24, 2011

santa arrived early at our home this year.

{ten days early!}

he’s super-magical like that…
{kudos to his insane little elves that made it happen!}

we went out for a festive family dinner & returned to this lil note from mr. bean, stating,

“open your christmas jammies tonight! santa wants to come early!”

without a moments hesitation, these lil munchkins prepared everything…

i should break out my tripod for moments like this, but that is just too much work – so please forgive the awful photo quality… i like them this way.


elf on the shelf

December 23, 2011

more mr. bean sightings —

zip-lining across the family room :: mistletoe in the dollhouse

party elf :: mr. bean brought us snow! :: in disguise in the xmas tree

rudolph came to visit & together they painted the kids’ noses red while they were sleeping! ha!

the creatures were stirring :: sipping’ syrup

mr. bean & barbie found our wishbone from thanksgiving! :: domino’s!

hanging-around in some tulle after a busy season…

previously shown here.
