i am spotting a lot of black and white stripes in our life. stripes in our clothing, accessories, when we go south of the border, at our doorstep, in the kids’ toys, in our crafts. more than ever before. we’ve always been fans of stripes, but this past year the trend has erupted!

especially with miss five. she is the queen of stripes. she made herself that flag just this last weekend.


friends! how was your weekend? we returned home late last night and have jumped right back into our regular routine here in boston. our kiddos had a great winter vacation in utah – we packed every minute with play dates, our favorite food, and activities. they were sad to leave so i’ve got to keep reminding them in the next few days about what is great about living in boston! homesickness does not look good on little ones.

i’ve been so excited to share with you the highlights, photos, and videos of last weeks {utah} blogger meet ‘n greet. for me, the best part was seeing this event i’d worked on with shelby come together so beautifully.


hasbro :: bop it! bounce

February 9, 2012

friends, i’d like to post toy reviews on see jane blog. what do you think? with four kids {technically 2 kids, 1 tween, and 1 teenager} under the roof & 14 years of being a momma, the kiddos and i have a lot of opinions about toys & we’d like to share with you what we think.

this past christmas we added a few new goodies to our mix. one being the hasbro bop it! bounce

if you remember, santa arrived early at our home & we headed south of the border for christmas. so, this toy was packed in a suitcase to go with us!


candlepin bowling.

February 2, 2012

we love trying new things around new england.
our latest adventure {last weekend} was candlepin bowling!

we were awful. it’s a lot harder than regular bowling.
and very different.  however, we had a lot of fun.
…we enjoyed trying to see how many “ball” jokes we could make.
husband some of us, may never grow up.

have you ever tried candlepin bowling?
even heard of it?

{it was developed in massachusetts!}

{photos by me.}


plane awesome valentine’s!

January 25, 2012

…for KJ’s valentine cards {also called friendship cards in this neck of the woods!}
i wanted something that he could create almost on his own. + treat free.

he really enjoys making paper airplanes {what eight-year-old boy doesn’t?!?}
so… we purchased a chunk of red card stock & he went straight to work making these:

my little man really got into it, he googled airplane patterns, and was folding and cutting and making each one really unique.

download the plane cool labels here!
you can print them on regular paper &
