our labor day weekend

September 8, 2009
was definitely labor-free.


pirate island




of course, we couldn’t have a warm holiday without some sand volleyball!

more labor-day weekend to come…


denver, colorado

September 1, 2009

dusty has been.

but, the kids and i had never been to denver, colorado.

it was a first.

and…we really like it there! love the mountains. trees.
denver is beautiful.

{didn’t so much love the 9-hour drive each way. but, it was scenic!}

between the family wedding, emery’s first birthday party, and swimming at our hotel…we also managed to visit the “butterfly pavilion” which was awesome! Then we ate and played at “dave & busters,” another first for the kids and i…


mr. and mrs. mudloff

September 1, 2009

alicya is one of dusty’s nieces that we haven’t had as many opportunities to spend time with over the years…

so it was so nice to catch up with her and her groom at their wedding!

as a couple, they are adorable…


the first day of school

August 20, 2009

i have always loved school, even though i do wish summer vacation was longer…i have some sort of addiction to learning new things.

my kids went back today. such a fun morning. there was excitement in the air. i still have a few more days before i go back to school. this semester i am taking sculpture, 3d design, and a graphic computer applications class. {woo-hoo!}

if i could, i would send all you students out there a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils!

here’s to another great school year, cheers!

the story is…kj got on the bus at school to come home and all his sister’s buddy’s {6th grade boys} were chanting for him when he got on the bus!


was packed with ~

fun fun fun!

first, t&d are notorious for giving us adventure-filled christmas gifts. last year, it was this helicopter ride. this year, it was a gift certificate for a hot air balloon ride. we waited eight months to use our gift certificate, and made a family day of the event. it was a gorgeous morning in park city to be flying amongst the clouds…

an absolutely perfect end to our official summer vacation.

