the last day of summer vacation…

was packed with ~

fun fun fun!

first, t&d are notorious for giving us adventure-filled christmas gifts. last year, it was this helicopter ride. this year, it was a gift certificate for a hot air balloon ride. we waited eight months to use our gift certificate, and made a family day of the event. it was a gorgeous morning in park city to be flying amongst the clouds…

an absolutely perfect end to our official summer vacation.

but, let it be known…

just because school has started –

our summer isn’t over yet!

3 responses to “the last day of summer vacation…”

  1. Isn't it strange that the kids are back in school! It still feels like summer to me. What a wonderful day in Park City! Looks like a great day to end the summer 🙂

  2. LOVE those pictures!!! What a perfect end to a summer break… I am not over with it yet either! We need to hit up park city still and Lagoon! hehehe

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