
December 1, 2010

…was cold.

like, bitter cold.

we made plans for the annual neighborhood turkey bowl,
but no one showed up.
because, they are all smart and don’t go outside when it’s that cold!
however, we still bundled up and went…
it was our family, and the howell boys’ annual turkey kick ball!

thank goodness for the howell boys.
what, oh what, would we do without them?!?

once playing…we all warmed up and it was awesome.
i love a good game of kick ball.
and our kids do too…
we’re all kick ball fans.

however, husband was especially grumpy while i was trying to play and take pictures,


the sharks.

November 22, 2010

i mentioned here about myla’s softball team this past season.

i just received her team pictures!
there was a team mom who was a photographer,
she took the pictures instead of the usual city photographers…
long story short, we have pictures!

i love these.
our big papi helps coach,
my sassy little sports babe…
her team made it to the playoffs!

we are only starting winter here in utah,
in fact, it’s been snowing all weekend.
and already i am longing for warm sun & a baseball park.

whatever season it is,


kiana was in a show last weekend at a local theater,
and it was incredible!

…we had the most amazing turn-out for her on thursday night.

i tried to count, we had sixty+ people there
who were friends-family-neighbors-her besties…

dude, it was fun.

thank you to everyone who came,

brought her flowers, cake bites!
your support fills our hearts!
much much love!

{iphone pics, not the best quality – dear santa, please bring me a 4G!!!}


flashback friday…

November 19, 2010
first of all, this is a great example as to why i don’t scrapbook.
i’m ridiculously awful at it!

third, i’m pleased to report husband never stuck his
tongue in my ear for any other photo op.

i hope your thanksgiving plans are underway!



dirty’s fabulous fortieth…

November 16, 2010

i don’t ever want to forget weekends like this.

{blast our weekend theme song, here.}

it was filled with family and friends. just like every year, the candles were blown out. games were played. stories were shared. music was played. laughter was contagious. one-liners were rampant. memories were made.

and, it was magical.

we filled this RV with as many people as we could,
and headed south…

lots of card games, scrabble, and treats.
thank you to michael for having incredible driving-parking skills,
“i’ve never seen a 40-foot sports car go so fast!”



November 13, 2010

my man is forty today.

…as in just a few minutes ago, he turned forty.

and let me tell you, it looks soooo good on him.

he owns it.

and yes, there are kids or myself in every photo.

…because we love our big papi.

he keeps us so entertained. we feel his love.

we’re like moths to his light.

they say, life begins at forty…
bring it on – we’ll be right there, with you.

cheers, babe!

