
October 6, 2010
my bestie bex, has a mister named max.

he is one handsome buddy to my sela and kj.
sela & kj have some very fueled sibling arguments over who’s friend he is.
you understand, max is very loved in our home.

well, my bestie’s mister is turning 5 today!!!
and i was the lucky friend-party lover who helped her with
some little robot plans for his party,
a couple weeks ago…

for example,

i volunteered to build max a robot for the party.
{i am crossing my fingers he wears the costume for halloween too!}

this project reminded me of great memories when i designed this.


my first graphic designs…

October 1, 2010
in print!

…these notepads were an assignment for my digital prepress class.
for me, it was more of a…


back to the weekend…

ah, the weekend. where much crafting is mandatory.
if your kids are ever bored and climbing the walls,
might i suggest the ever stimulating craft escape…


happy, little crafters!

warning: a couple months ago, sela woke up one sunday morning, and started crafting without supervision. everyone else was following strict sunday morning sleeping-in protocol. when we woke up, we found she had entered the pantry, very quietly opened all the paint supplies, and thoroughly painted every tile square on the pantry floor.

including a few in the kitchen, and a small trail of paint to the mudroom bathroom,


my husbands older brother lives on a ranch in reno, just outside of the city.
his wife, is an incredible rodeo-queen coach…

they board horses, and auntie trains on average twenty girls who come and go all week long. some of them stay for a few days, some come for one… but everyday there are pre-teen and teenage girls at their ranch, riding horses & training for rodeos.

a girls horse heaven. you can imagine.

last summer {here}, our girls had the time of their lives while they spent five days at their uncle & auntie’s ranch.

this summer, our girls begged to go again,


back to school…

August 9, 2010
i get so excited for the kids, all FOUR of my kiddo’s go to school this fall.
and I will be returning to school too,
with a 20th century art history class & a digital pre press class.

i love new school supplies!

seriously, my heart beats faster when i see them arrive in the stores!
am i such a nerd???
freshly sharpened pencils. new backpacks. crayons. new shoes. new clothes.
new accessories…new haircuts! i just get so excited! {so do my kids.}

because husband has been out of town, the kids & i decided in july,

to conquer it all while he is gone.


my myla…

August 3, 2010
robots need a day off, too!

while on this trip,
myla set-up kj’s robots on a pool lounge chair.
they each had their own towels to lay on,
and refreshments.

{my moosey’s creative mind knows no end}
