back to school…

i get so excited for the kids, all FOUR of my kiddo’s go to school this fall.
and I will be returning to school too,
with a 20th century art history class & a digital pre press class.

i love new school supplies!

seriously, my heart beats faster when i see them arrive in the stores!
am i such a nerd???
freshly sharpened pencils. new backpacks. crayons. new shoes. new clothes.
new accessories…new haircuts! i just get so excited! {so do my kids.}

because husband has been out of town, the kids & i decided in july,

to conquer it all while he is gone. that way, when he’s back,
we don’t have to spend any time the last few days of summer vacation
running around to get what everyone needs.

with ALL FOUR of our kiddo’s going to school this fall,
the excitement level is off the charts!

Sela will be in her first year of preschool.
KJ can’t wait for 2nd grade!
Myla is feeling really good about 5th grade…
and miss twelve begins jr. high!
{she is dying to get started!!!}

this will be the first time in twelve-and-a-half years
that i will have regularly scheduled time every week
that all my kids are in school, three different schools, to be exact.

sela & kj, are so excited for school, they wore their new backpacks in the mall,
from the very minute that we purchased them!

{kj is still wearing these glasses, everywhere!}

while school supply shopping at target,
we found this really creative section…
the notebooks, folders, bookcovers are all made
to be colored with sharpie’s.

we stocked up on a small supply & this past sunday afternoon
{sunday afternoons are SERIOUS craft time in our home}
all my kids were captivated with their coloring time…

to all the students in the world-

i would send you a bouquet of pencils if possible!

best of luck in the 2010-2011 school year!!!

4 responses to “back to school…”

  1. Congratulations to you AND the kids! Back to school is such a special time and it's so cute that KJ & Sela wore their backpacks around. Hope you enjoy the last remaining weeks of summer vacation!

  2. I'm with you – I love seeing the school supplies in the stores and getting all ready for school. I always love reading your blog and my favorite movie of all time is "You've Got Mail." 🙂

  3. Yeah – back to school! I am so excited I am thinking of throwing a "minute to win it" party – back to school style.

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