panini’s and gingerbread houses…
tradition. i obsess over traditions…
our annual thaanum {my moms-side-of-the-family} family christmas party.
the menu always changes, but the activity remains the same.
gingerbread houses!
{want a great item to put on your christmas list? add this!}
we love it around here,
and it was used again last weekend at the family party.
my secret-panini ingredient – this.
don’t question me.
add those stackers with muenster cheese…
and whatever else you love,
the combination makes panini’s magical.
our neighborhood christmas party…
was beautiful, and silly.
two homes to our right is one of the most beautiful homes in america.
the homeowner builds homes {check this out!},
and he and his wife are both artists {check out her etsy shop, here!!!}
and what they created with this home, is stunning. unbelievable, actually.
every time i visit their home, it transports me, to somewhere far from here.
you really have to experience it, to have any idea what i’m talking about.
needless to say, we were all thrilled to find out they were hosting
the neighborhood christmas party!
ode to candy houses
…graham crackers, frosting, gum drops, peppermints, lifesaver gummies,
we love the fun you bring.
the creativeness you inspire…
i helped kj in his second grade class last week, with his candy house.
there are special moments kids will remember from their childhoods.
i hope kj remembers this. i hope he at least remembers the feeling.
my love for him. our excessive enthusiasm for the holidays.
i will remember every moment he leaned over and gave me a little snuggle love.
he has never cared where we are, or who is watching.
flashback friday…
december 1978.
it is my mom, myself, and my older brother john.
we are in my dads living room,
{my parents were divorced}
what i love about this picture,
is i remember this “big wheels” gift.
and i specifically remember wanting the hot wheels version
instead of the girly version…
i had a good amount of tom-boy in me till i was about eleven.
i have memories of riding this big wheels around, for hours, on nice days.
i remember the big plastic wheels getting holes in them,
christmas card love…
i was raised around an older generation that passionately believed in christmas cards.
back in the day they were always hand-written to every single person on the list. my mom still sits in her cottage behind our home and hand-writes all her letters, to every single person on her list. i know she’s been working on them for days and days lately. i do take a more modern {and raising four kids} approach, all two hundred recipients on my list receive the same photo-copied letter, everyone receives the same christmas card…however, i still passionately believe in the christmas card. even with blogging, and facebook, and twitter. i can’t let the art die.
…hand-writing. typed. fun fonts.