
KJ has not taken naps for at least 2 1/2 years, and NEVER falls asleep during any other time/activity… He is even known to pull all-nighters if possible to play x-box 360 HALO 3. Yet, each time we walk in the salon all the stylist begin to say, “maybe he’ll stay awake today…” or “Is he going to fall asleep again?”…”It’s so cute when he does that.” “This is the boy who loves his haircut, he always falls asleep.”

Today I realized I’ve never taken a picture of him sleeping and decided to take a picture…I thought for sure he would stay awake since I wanted the photo opportunity. Nope. After the shampoo and 90 seconds into the haircut, he was OUT. Needless to say, I was in my normal position, holding his head up so his haircut could continue. He doesn’t even flinch or wake-up when the clippers come on. One day, when he’s older he will have a wonderful wife who he will ask to massage his head to help him fall asleep, I’m sure. 🙂

16 responses to “zzzzz..”

  1. Okay I love this! I wish my boys would sleep through their haircuts. All they do is complain until they are released. I do, however, have a 7 year old who will sleep all the way through a sit in the dentist chair. Crazy!

  2. That is the cutest thing ever! Kj is such a cutie! I love it! I wish i felt that relaxed during Hair cuts, i know i do during the Shampoo!;)

  3. KJ is so cute! Isn’t it amazing how kids can sleep through anything? I need to cut Brady’s hair – Troy is calling it a fro-piece.

  4. That is SO cute. Amazing that he can stay asleep with all that noise. Are you sure you don’t drug him before hand?! J/K

  5. Jane I have never seen anything funnier or cuter. I can’t believe that he falls asleep at the hair salon. That will be a funny story to tell as he gets older for sure. I’m not quite sure if it would make it easier or harder to do a haricut if he’s asleep. I guess there’s not much movement going on 🙂

  6. I don’t know Jane, if his college roomates ever hear about this story he’ll wake up one day with an interesting haircut!!!

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