yard sale: in fifteen days!

we are still going non-stop around here to prepare for our yard sale…
less is amore, so we are clearing things out!


i couldn’t resist making this cute cardboard cash register!
seriously, i could make things out of cardboard as a career!
big-time-obsession! {hey, my kids like it – gives them something to play with later!}

i was inspired here, on oh, hello friend blog. then, the same cash register popped up on pinterest. and, as i’ve said before – i love pinterest. best invention this year. have you joined yet?!? if you need an invite, let me know.

also, we have our signs ready! check out the picture above, and memorize those signs – if you live in orem, there will be thirty of them leading you to our home on June 11th. 9am-noon. mark your calendars – set your cell phone alerts! but, please don’t arrive early.

also, a huge shout-out to hannah at ‘my coupon habit’ blog – she featured our yard sale here this week! you should definitely check out her site if you are a local, she stocks it full of good deals!

thank you, m’dear!


{photos by me.}

3 responses to “yard sale: in fifteen days!”

  1. So sad I live in Ca , you have amazing taste I would luv to hit your garage sale! Great job on the signs & register . Next month I look forward to doing my garage sale. I have a 7yr old daughter who always wants to help. Do you have any tips on what to let kids do or help @ a garage sale???

  2. I ♥ the cash register idea! My girls love to have lemonade stands in the summer and they will think I am the best when I make this for them. Thanks Jane!

    P.S. Did you use just one box? And how do we get your address to come to the yard sale?

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