Who knew A.F. was so cool these days?!?

I do not venture into American Fork very often these days. I notice from I-15 that alot of new restaurants/stores have moved in, but I haven’t actually been there for quite some time.

I went up to Highland to one of my favorite places, “Dear Lizzy” to check out any new merchandise this afternoon while wanting to buy Sela some barrettes they sell that are some of my favorites. Then I met up with my pal Susan BLAND a.k.a. Spicy…her latest nickname from me. This girl can pack in the spice when she eats, stuff that sends my mouth a-burning she eats like chocolate. So, in opposition to her last name, I have nicknamed her spicy, plus she’s got the same hairdo as the original spicegirl, so it works. 🙂 She wanted to have lunch at “Yapona” which is the latest-greatest Happy Sumo wannabe. It was really good.We then headed across the parking lot to “Dippidee” – how cute is this place!?!I brought treats home for the kids… The cupcakes I bought at “Dear Lizzie” and the cookies I bought at “Dippidee.” which fyi makes adorable cakes if you’re in the market for something unique!Spicy: Thanks for lunch, love you girl!

11 responses to “Who knew A.F. was so cool these days?!?”

  1. Oh i am so glad you got to hang out with Susan today, that sounds SOOO Fun! Believe it or not American Fork has some Cool places hiding in there. 😉

    Dippidee has the yummiest Cakes too!!

  2. AF is the happenin’ place for new development lately! Glad you got to hang with Sus… I miss her! Cute treats! I will definitely keep them in mind for upcoming events! 🙂

  3. Yum!
    Every time we come home we can’t believe how much is changing around there, especially in AF/Lehi. Crazy!

  4. You are right AF is moving on up! They have some great little secret spots. Kade loves the cookies from Dippidee’s.

  5. Both of these are right down the road. Hubby and I love Yapona!! It has become one of our favorite date night spots. BUT ssssshhhhhhh…we want to keep it secret. ;o)

  6. I love the fun treats! They’re low carb and low calorie right? They look so good! Phase 1 sucks!

  7. Dippidee’s is dangerous I haven’t had anything there I didn’t like. I drive past it alot so I really have to be disciplined which doesn’t always work. Glad you found it.

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