welcome home!

my life will forever be changed, for the better,
because of this little guy.

in fact, i believe thousands of lives were touched by his miracle.

guess what?

those of you who are suffering from my challenge

the sugar-fast is over!

i’m serious! {shannon, enjoy valentine’s day!}

it’s unbelievable…

little bronson came home today!
with a big welcoming!

{and – an intruder blanket!}

how beautiful is this picture?

there has always been love in this home, a deep love,

but i believe now there is a tender, more appreciative love,

a more patient love, a more tolerant love,

that runs bone-deep in all of us.

welcome home bronson, we love you!


for those of you interested in continuing the ‘low-carb lifestyle,

don’t give up!

i’m still going…

enjoy your valentine’s day
{in moderation – don’t eat the WHOLE box of chocolates!}

then get right back on track!

eating low-carb is a lifestyle, not a temporary diet!

9 responses to “welcome home!”

  1. HOORAY!! I'm so excited for his family! What an awesome "Welcome home" for them to see.
    Sara & Matt are so amazing, i am so inspired by this family!!
    Thanks for sharing and YAHOO for valentines day… I will only eat a little bc i am finally seeing results!!!

  2. I can't believe how quickly he recovered these last few days. Such a miracle. I can't even begin to understand what it must feel like to think you have lost a child forever and then have him given back to you. I am SO SO SO happy for them!

  3. Hi Jane, I just discovered your website tonight from a dear friend of mine named Jenni at Everyday Sparkles blog. I myself am an artist from Bountiful and at the age of 33 am currently going back to school to finish up my BFA in painting and drawing. Its fun to see other artists going through the same (torture) I mean things as me right now.:) I have enjoyed visiting your blog/ I now will attempt to pull myself together after reading Bronson's story and go love my 4 kids! What a miraculous little boy. Thank you so much for sharing! Looking forward to your posts!

  4. What an amazing outcome for their family! I can't believe he is home already after all that 🙂 A perfect homecoming for the strong little man!!!

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