washington dc

we chose the most beautiful weekend to visit our nation’s capital.

this l’il trip is one of many that is on our “while we live in boston, bucket list”.

…because we were sight-seeing on a 3-day holiday weekend, we joined masses of people from all over the world to visit the heart-touching monuments and memorials that scatter washington, district of columbia. washington is one of the best places to visit if you are interested in taking tours. due its historical significance, there are many places like Tours4Fun that offer tours that could teach you a lot about this country.

…i think having a family makes me so much more aware of patriotism. i have this deep sense of gratitude to live in a place where my children are safe and free and supported and loved and guided toward a promising future.

and that didn’t come without a cost.

“freedom, is not free” – President Lincoln


day one

one month prior to our trip, we contacted our local congressman in utah {u.s. house rep. chaffetz} and he hooked us up with a personal tour of capital hill, and the white house.

when you arrive, an intern from your home state is your guide.

we had a sweet-lehi-born-and-raised gal all morning. she was great.

*capital hill was by far the coolest thing we did out of the entire trip.

…you view a very patriotic movie in the capital, you tour the building and finish in the house of representatives, “the gallery.”

we also walked around the *washington monument.

the dome of the capital is filled with stunning art work, my favorite part were the 2d paintings that appear 3d. so amazing, i pointed a little arrow towards them, but somehow missed getting a great picture with them included.

day two

husband and i visited washington dc about eight years ago –
since then the *world war II memorial has been built…

we visited the *lincoln memorial and our munchkins slid down the front…
i’m not sure how respectful this was, but at least our kiddos weren’t the only ones doing it!

*white house tour
*international spy museum
*subway ride to visit family in vienna & have dinner…

day three

*more washington monument
*franklin delanore roosevelt memorial
*martin luther king monument, this just opened a month ago and is simple beauty, another one of our favorite stops.
*arlington cemetary – kennedy gravesites + the tomb of the unknown soldier, always touching. and so incredible.
*national air & space museum
*a business dinner with one of the pro look families in the dc area. good times.

overall, the trip was a great mix of lazy-family-time, + very good food & sightseeing.

we hope to go *again, and visit family + friends in the springtime.

next time:

cherry blossoms,
more smithsonian mall,
and georgetown!

*thank you jet blue for having $39 flights!!!

8 responses to “washington dc”

  1. love your pictures …looks like you had a fabulous trip , one you’ll remember for always as a fantastic family adventure. Thanks for sharing!!!

  2. We were there at the same time! Too bad we didn’t run into you guys. I love that you got to tour capitol hill and the white house, you guys saw way more than we did.

  3. Looks like great weather and sightseeing! I went to DC in 6th grade and have many great memories from that trip. I love that you guys will be able to have so many fun weekend get-a-ways on the east coast. SO FUN! I DID get your thank you message for the package. Thought I responded – whoops! We all know I’m not the greatest with the email / text / blogging / facebook world. You guys all look great. Miss you! I have been longing for a girls trip. Vegas baby! Lets plan something soon to get everyone together.

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