vote for KJ!

If you haven’t been following,
KJ is one of the entries {NUMBER 55} in 97.1 ZHT’s
jack-o-cutie’s halloween costume contest.

Starting last Thursday the 6th, we have until noon November 13th to VOTE!
{friends and family in the Philippines-London-New Zealand-Alaska-Nevada-Washington-NYC: who follow our blog…PLEASE use your office/work/school/library/roommates/spouses/etc computers!}

Please, EVERYONE, Vote!
click here,
it can only be done ONCE per computer, so find as many computers as you can!
After you vote, you will receive an email from ZHT with a link to click on to verify your vote. Your vote WILL NOT COUNT till you have done this step!

please forward our blog to everyone you know and ask everyone you know, even strangers, to vote!

Then, watch the videos AGAIN!
To remember just how awesome KJ’s costume was! 🙂

Thank you! {{{{hugs to everyone!}}}
and “knuckles” from bumblebee!

14 responses to “vote for KJ!”

  1. I voted and will keep it up on every computer I see! Good luck! I will try to get Drew to vote on computers all over campus. 🙂

  2. I found your blog a while ago and I love to peek in and see what your family is doing. You seem like such a great mom and have the best ideas. It seems like too often parents forget their kids in the mix of everything and it is refreshing to see a mom that puts so much time into her kids. Just thought I would leave a quick comment and say we voted for KJ too! My 7 year old loved that costume and wants one of his own!

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