vignettes from boracay

what or where is boracay, you ask…

from my friend wikipedia, it is… “an island of the Philippines located approximately 315 km (196 mi) south of Manila and 2 km off the northwest tip of Panay Island in the Western Visayas region of the Philippines. Boracay Island and its beaches have received awards numerous times. Boracay was awarded in the “Travelers’ Choice 2011″ by TripAdvisor as the second best beach (out of 25) in the world. Boracay made a debut appearance on the Top 10 Islands list in the Travel + Leisure travel magazine World’s Best Awards 2011, ranking fourth.”

and how did we get there?

well, we spent a night in manila… there, husband and i had a delish dinner + maracons while we waited for friends from Japan to arrive. {Ryan & Jenn live in Japan most of the year, but they have been our neighbors in Utah the past few years.}


we flew to Kalibo.

took a trike to the ferry.
the ferry took us to boracay.
we docked at the island,
a van took us to our remote boutique hotel.

walked about 200 yards.

and we arrived.
and unloaded.
and settled under shady umbrellas.

and instantly enjoyed this shamelessly beautiful corner of the world…

it was hot. our morning runs and midnight walks left us drenched.  = cleansing. i think every toxin in my body found it’s way out during that heat! my bones were warmed with sun love.

we stayed a bit off main beach, so we could enjoy this little paradise with more privacy. plus, husband has stayed here three times in the past year & is now buddies with the management. very husband-esque to have friends all over the globe. our hotel – artista – it’s like swiss family robinson, island style.

one afternoon, the four of us rented this little boat + a driver to take us around the tip of the island to snorkel on the other side –

the photo below on the right is for my friends in utah county. you know the cell phone tower-fake pine tree on university avenue? well – here’s it’s cousin, palm tree. so funny.

i adored being out at night. the combination of the ocean, sand, sunset, and christmas/lantern lights is magical. truly addicting. we found this hotel – astoria – for dinner one evening, husband and ryan entertained us by singing with the band. it was truly a night to remember. we liked the place so much that we returned the next day to hang out there. i’m still drooling over it’s stunning retro vibe. coveting, actually.

on our last evening, husbands birthday. the management of our hotel surprised husband with pineapple pancakes + candle and drinks on the beach at sunset.

most of our trips to the beach, are exactly as i write them, storybook. which is why the beach is our place.

this trip was no exception – we settled into blankets of soft sand, we were crazy and lazy, drinks were poured, glasses were clinked…”to life!

and we smiled…

end of story.

3 responses to “vignettes from boracay”

  1. I just wiped the drool from both corners of my mouth and the dribble on my chin. I’m so glad that you guys got to have such a fab vacay… just the two of you (no kids(sigh))! That looks amazing… I want to pack my bags and move there right now.

  2. I love this post! What a blast! That place has changed a lot in the last 14 years- crazy it is has been 14 years since I walked those beaches. Thanks for sharing! I am calling Orem City to get that pine changed to a Palm Tree 🙂

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