utah trip

from our trip in february…

1 our kiddos each visited their old schools. a highlight of their time in utah.
2 moi – doing the mom driving all day/everyday routine in our rental SUV.
3 we took my mom to get a haircut & sela tried on all the make-up while waiting for grandma.
4 kiana visited Center Stage {her old studio} to see friends & for a dance class.
5 behind the scenes for the {utah} blogger meet ‘n greet – my mom saved the day! she was such a big help + sela & owen {shelby’s lil boy} were the best helpers! and cutest!
6 more of S & O, seriously – sela loved being a little worker. check out that pose – she’s busy.
7 shelby being interviewed by studio 5 {watch it here!} and the packed house for the meet ‘n greet!

8 a few blog/instagram friends i was hoping to meet in real life! the beautiful Kristina from my Love Nest.
9 a new-er online friend, olya from living notes from nyc!
10 the savvy keena from just a dash of keena. keena has always been the sweetest reader/follower of my blog. love her.
11 sela was on a happiness high with all her utah besties!
12 i had to stop by here for my all-time-favorite cupcakes!!! i ate one every day i was in utah.
13 miss thirteen and i shared outfits the entire trip…  this is a fun and sometimes frustrating stage of motherhood.  love sharing clothes, dislike finding my “nicer” clothes missing and/or crumpled up in a pile on the floor!
14 said my good-byes to the Orem Nordstrom.  can’t wait to say my hello’s to this.

15 lots of time with our howell boys!
16 my pinterest opinions at susan’s home.
17 time with my momma & niece.
18 the trend of the season: colored jeans + fun flats!
19 buddy rock-climbing at sara’s house. she hosted a party in our honor -a perfect way to see lots of friends in one place! {how fun is a home with a rock climbing wall?!?}
20 the girls.
21 the guys.
22 saturday brunch with many of my favorite ladies.
23 the best biscuits and gravy ever. go soon.

24 if #23 didn’t tempt you – how about your own serving of a german pancake?!?
25 i love these ladies.
26 adore her.
27 she was rockin’ 26 weeks!
28 how suz cuts an apple.  arguably, the best way – do you “slice” your apples?
29 notice sela reaching over to hold hands with her buddy…. she’s a sneaky one.
30 tea time!
31 kiana started her birthday celebrations early while we were in utah. her friend mckay and her have birthdays one day apart, so they like to party together – this year they created a Facebook event page for their dinner – 45+ friends showed up at texas roadhouse!

can’t wait to go back…

{all photos by me, from my iPhone & instagram feed}

4 responses to “utah trip”

  1. It was so fun to meet you in person!, You are even more gorgeous in real life if thats possible. But I must say, that picture of me is the worst, I look like I have a nine months pregnant size nose! anyway, thanks for all the inspiration, you are super woman!

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