upcycled scooter.

we are a scooter-loving-family.

and, this spring kj has been cruising all-over the neighborhood on his sister myla’s hand-me-down razor scooter.

only problem: it’s pink.

each time i watched him cruise by on this barbie pink scooter, i would cringe.

mainly, because: he is not a pink-kind-of-guy. i bought him a pink shirt once, and he adamately refused to wear it. so, i’ve learned my lesson. this kid only wears “boy” colors. he won’t wear pink. purple. not even yellow! meaning: watching him ride this pink-licious scooter was killing me!

so, as we’ve been preparing for our yard sale, we decided we’d sell the pink scooter. and, even kj was ok with that decision regardless of how much he loved riding it! because, really, he didn’t want a pink-hand-me-down-scooter either!


oh, blessed then!

husband had the idea to spray paint the scooter! not only spray paint it, BUT, we would buy browns, tans, and greens, and let kj camouflage the scooter all on his own!

folks: this is the best-creative-upcycling-idea my husband has ever had! truthfully, maybe his only one! ::winks::

i visited our local hobby shop, and purchased spray paint that is specifically made for plastic-models, and primer… for a total of $30.00

check it out:

have you upcycled any toys/kids items lately? i’d love to hear your ideas!

{all photos by me.}

10 responses to “upcycled scooter.”

  1. Hi Jane!
    I have commented once before. I am Melissa Jones Cummings cousin. What a killer idea! My boys would think they had died and gone to heaven to have a scooter like that! Maybe I will have to start looking for a used scooter. Now I can see beyond the color! Good luck on your yard sale. I just had one of my own. Very small scale compared to the one you are putting on. And I had so much fun, and the amount of money I made is nothing to shake a stick at! Best of luck in all your ventures!

  2. I LOVE this!!!!! What a great idea. And if you can’t figure out how to get it to Boston, I will lift it off your hands:)
    Or you can just store it in my garage for when you MOVE back!

  3. LOVE it! So hard to find boy scooters anymore. Painting it yourself makes it more fun anyway!

  4. You had me at ‘spray paint’. Brilliant idea!! I may make bostons old scooter (which I still ride. Haha) pink camo for livs.

  5. so awesome! have you guys liked your scooter? im dying for a little one to ride around the neighborhood and down to the gym. your’s looks like a good one.

  6. This is perfect! One of my besties did this for their boy with the battery powered cars. Love me some spray paint!
    How are things goin w/ Boston? Have you a place to live? I’d like an invite to your blog, please, if you still have room!

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