UEA = cabo, mexico

7 responses to “UEA = cabo, mexico”

  1. Your vacation looks wonderful. Beautiful photos. And I love all your cute captions. It's little things like that you'll be happy you recorded looking back years from now.

  2. Hello hot momma!! You look fabulous, I love how beautifully tan your kids get!!
    Ok those mangos look fabulous! I would be pounding those! How fun for both families to have such cute little buddies to hang with.
    I really want to go to that resort, it looks amazing!

  3. What a great family vay-cay. Makes me want some hot sun and a hot bod!! Cozy is loving looking at all of the pics of Sela-bella, funny.

  4. okay…what fun pictures! i wish i was there, soaking up the sun. and you and susan look amazing in those bathing suits!!

  5. It looks like you had a good time, even in the rain!! Cabo looks like a blast with the right people.
    You and Susan are HOT mommas!!

  6. One thing is for sure. The Rhodes family knows how to have fun! You guys do it right.

    Mexico is beautiful, your family is beautiful and your trip looks perfect!

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