two much-loved friends came to the city just to visit in november.

…and we spent five days simply enjoying one another’s company.


for the past few years susan has had dark hair. yet, she’s notorious for this pattern: blonde – dark brown – blonde – dark brown, it’s just been a long time since she’s been blonde! so, we were chatting to each other on our cell phones as she walked out of the airport –

i said, “i see mckenna! where are you?!?

and, sure enough – she was right next to kenna! rockin’ the blonde hair’do!

i totally didn’t recognize her! obviously, we were overdue for spending some time together!!!

on her first evening in boston, we dined at one of my favorite local restaurants – the cottage.

after dinner when we were getting our wallets out to pay the bill, i commented about loving hobo wallets…

then, she grabbed her little owl pouch that holds her lip-glosses {i gave her this for christmas so i wasn’t surprised to see it, i also own one, so i commented about us having two matching items in our handbags…}

then i realized with our iPhones we had 3 matching items…

so, we grabbed our bags to compare what else…

and we both had our sunglass cases!

silly besties with all our matching accessories! we are meant to be friends. ::wink::

*** day 2 ***

suzie-q was so patient with me, because husband and i had been home from the philippines 24 hours when she arrived, our jet-lag was fierce. lucky for us, she’s a chill lady & was totally content to lay around and be lazy with me. we didn’t get out to a lot of sights in boston, but we had a lot of quality time to watch tv {we’re both vampire diaries obsessed!}, eat, shop, and sleep. you know you have a good friend when you tell her good night at 7pm and she happily entertains herself at your home!

the highlight of their visit was — BREAKING DAWN!!!

husband decided two weeks before ‘breaking dawn’ was released that he wanted to watch all the twilight movies so he could go along with his girls.

post-twilight-marathon: he’s a fan!

we all agree, ‘Breaking Dawn’ is the best one so far. and, i am dying over the Cullens home in the movie. it’s def my new dream home.

if i could just re-locate that house, and convince all my friends from out west to move to boston… ahhhhhh, that would be the life!!!

a girl can dream, right? ::smiles::

we gave suz and kenna a thorough tour of the shopping available in this area. Natick mall, newberry street, and quincy market. also known as: faneuil hall.

at the mall, sela picked out a gold sparkly bracelet at crewcuts & suz liked it, so she got one to match her!

and we love red lips! each time i put red lipstick on sela,  she tells me,

“this is the color i want my lips when i get married!”


we stopped by the farmer’s market for fresh persimmon {suz had never had this & it’s one of my favorite asian fruits. have you tried?} and apples.

on sunday, suez made her delicious chili, and we spent the day relaxing.

…and that is how you spend five days, simply enjoying one another’s company!

2 responses to “two much-loved friends came to the city just to visit in november.”

  1. I feel like all of my computer time is now taken up by instagram so I am rarely on blogs anymore…love this post, good friends are so wonderful! Sounds and looks like it was a wonderful time! I love that Dusty watched all of the Twilight movies with you guys…Brent has seen all of them with me too, I love it 🙂

  2. LOVE your skirt! Do tell where it’s from! I’m dying to visit friends Boston some day – do you love it so far?!

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