touring Utah, day 3

Dusty picked up breakfast burrito’s from Beto’s for everyone, yum-yum-yum! Does everyone understand that the food is just as important as the touring this week?!? Dusty and I both wish Alson & Myla were going to be here longer just so we could keep taking them to our favorite places to eat!

Our dear friends Rob & Teresa were the gracious boat-hosts that they always are, and took all of us boating at Deer Creek Reservoir!

Sela/Kiana/KJ/Myla moosey/Myla/Alson

Dusty; he had his best run EVER on the wakeboard today and I video taped the entire thing and accidentally erased it at dinner tonight, I was so bummed… nonetheless, way to go babe!
Rob & Dusty instructing Alson on how-to wakeboard! Alson was as giddy as a little kid getting in his wet suit, jumping in the lake, putting on his board. Alson & Myla had never seen or been in a lake before! Yes, they have a rather large ocean at home, but NO lakes!

Alson tried so hard, but he has one bad knee, and he never made it up – maybe next time! Good try Kuya!!!

KJ/Kiana/Sawyer/Myla – they LOVED riding the tube, but it was a little cold for Kiana & KJ, they jumped out after a short ride…

Wakeboarding is always a thrill to me, but on one of my turns today, I came down off the wake and had a major crash with my head to the water. About 30 minutes after we took the boat in and headed to Park City for shopping at the outlets…I got dizzy, then nauseau, then started throwing up, BAD migraine….ugg, it was horrible!

But, Myla still made it to the COACH outlet store to purchase 8 bags!!! I was so bummed that I was sitting in the parking lot sick and not shopping with her! Although, Dusty wasn’t too sad about that part. The shopping, of course. Anyway, the head injury/sickness passed within a couple of hours and we made it to Myla’s soccer game!Myla had the end-of-game treats today and we had a special “Cookies by Design” soccer bouquet made for her to share with the team! Each soccer ball had one of the girls names on it. It turned out SO stinkin’ cute! Go Piranhas!

Mr. Coach Emery/Myla/Mrs. Coach Emery
We ended our day (well, almost) with dinner at Happy Sumo!
Brent Hek/me/Dusty/Alson/MylaDusty & Alson headed off to a late movie after dinner, but with my small head injury today, Myla and I opted to come home and go to bed…

We are having such an incredible time with the Bungay’s, I wish they could stay so much longer. I have so many more things I want them to see, experience, eat… Fortunately, they plan on returning this next Spring with their 3 older boys. They have 3 boys ages 15-20 and also one little 2 year old boy…

Tomorrow, we are headed to Las Vegas! They are Soooo excited!

6 responses to “touring Utah, day 3”

  1. Wow Jane! You guys are definately giving them the experience! I agree, the food is extremely important when you’re on vacation. How fun for them to go to the lake. That looked like some mad wakeboarding:) Glad you’re feeling better. Have so much fun in Vegas!

  2. What a fun day! Next time, bring me and I’ll video tape the whole family. Sounds like you all pulled some cool tricks! Sorry about the head injury. Cory boards with a helmet ever since his.
    And awesome treats – I have thought of doing this before but have not yet forked over for it.

  3. You are sure having an amazing time with your friends-that is wonderful! I am SO sorry about your head injury, that is such a bummer!! I am glad that you are feeling better though you poor thing! VERY cute soccer treats!!

  4. Jane-
    I’m so sorry about your headache, but it kind of sounds like you might have had a concussion? I totally know how miserable it is to crash hard.
    You have such a cute family, your girls are adorable! Sawyer has informed me that he is coming to your house to play with Myla and to play Halo with KJ!
    I was fun to meet the Bungay’s and to take them boating, they seem like such kind people.
    Thanks for inviting us!

  5. Boating sounds so fun! The water looked so calm too!

    Myla’s treats are awesome, such a great idea!
    I hope you had a great time in VEGAS!!
    How long are they here until?

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