to go sledding via 4-wheeler! This was Dusty out with the kids last weekend, we are hoping for MORE snow like this so the fun activities can continue. Kiana, Hally (Kiana’s friend), and KJ are on the tube-sled. KJ sipping his cocoa right after sledding, the cocoa latte’ machine was running around the clock.
Myla’s friend Roslyn (a.k.a. Roz) moved to Dubai with her family last August, but is home to visit for the holidays – Myla missed her SO much – welcome home Rozy!!!
One of my favorite old-fashioned traditions – paper snowflakes! The kids & I stayed up late the other night cutting these out, we had paper ALL OVER the kitchen but I think they make the kitchen so cozy! Myla is my clever child who figured out the paper trees while she was doing paper people…
Love the snowflakes! I’m adding that to my list of to do’s… they are beautiful!
You are truely amazing. I love it
I am the worst with making those Snowflakes but i LOVE them! Send myla to come help!!
We have that same little puppy in a purse and The bendable skier!!
She is seriously such a little Sweetheart!
Boston is bummed that he will miss her fun Party! Have fun and THANKS a ton for the cute IPOD’s (kj’s words)you got for the Twins, that will be nice on our long flight!!