this week…

This past Friday when I picked the kids up from school…

Mom: “KJ, guess what?!?”
KJ: “what?”
Mom: “YOU WON the radio costume contest!”
KJ: {big eyes, mouth drops open in astonishment, pause}
KJ: “THAT is awesome!” {arms in the air}

{I had already explained to him how everyone had to vote from their own home computers, etc. etc…}

KJ: “First I am going to go to Nate’s house, knock on the door and tell them thank you. Then I’m going to go to Tegan’s house and knock on the door and tell them thank you, then Caden’s house…”

{You get the idea, he wants everyone to know he’s very THANKFUL for the votes! He’ll be knocking on doors throughout the neighborhood to let you know}


On Friday morning, we had these HUGE Cranes that landed in our trees behind our backyard…they camped out all day and came back Saturday. The kids loved it. Sela would stand on the counter in the kitchen looking out the windows at them – she was kind enough to leave little maple syrup hand prints all over the windows.


Sela had her first haircut on Friday!
This little girl is just about scared of everything, so Daddy held her to make it easier…


BYU Dancesport was this weekend…
Kiana, Myla, and their coach Autumnkiana and tristen
myla and ammon

Becky was so sweet to come watch the girls dance, and she brought them roses!


today while eating Sunday dinner…

Mom: “wow KJ, you’ve eaten a LOT of your chicken. way to go buddy. You’re muscles are going to get so big!”

KJ: “yeah, i know Mom. I’ll be a chic magnet, the girls will call me a HUNK!”
{his big sisters were dying laughing.}

5 responses to “this week…”

  1. I love KJ’s reaction to winning, what a sweet boy! Sela looks so cute getting her haircut-that is a big milestone. Kiana and Myla look like such awesome dancers, I bet they are so much fun to watch! And KJ’s hunk comment is priceless!!

  2. Watch out for KJ! He’s already a lady killa:) And where are the “after” pics of Sela’s haircut??? I bet it’s so darling. Please post!
    p.s. I LOVE your new profile picture! Beautiful!

  3. Busy weekend!
    KJ is a chic magnet – and now he is a chic magnet with money (costume contest)!
    I wonder where he learned that from? Could it be from Dirty? (still laughing about the post on Dusty and all the interesting facts we’ve learned about him….)

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