this little guy…

packed his bags very early in the morning,
and left for the philippines eight days ago with big papi.

kj thought his turn to go {alone} would never come!
our kids are on a rotation, taking turns traveling one on one with
husband to the pro look factory in the philippines.
{we all fight to go, we love it there!}

kiana had her turn here, and myla here, here, and here

and now, finally it was buddy’s turn!

we have missed him so much this week!
myla has complained numerous times that she is so bored,
without kj here!

from what we hear, and the iphone pictures we see…
they are having a great time.

and, kj doesn’t wanna come home.


4 responses to “this little guy…”

  1. this little guy has had the time of his life and doesn't want to go home. WE GOT LOST in the scraps last night… burried! Then we spent an hour trying to find his flip flops… had to enlist the help of a few workers. 🙂

    when puking the other day (strange one time incidence), he thought he'd be sick the whole day and said in between breaths, "dad, can we stay 3 more days if I'm sick because this just isn't fair.

    but we miss our momma!!

  2. how awesome that they all get to take turns and go on a trip with their dad!! the long hair is looking awesome!

  3. So awesome for them to have a boys trip. And KJ looks so cute. LOVE his long curly hair. We are trying to grow out Caden's hair right now and it is a bit frustrating for me. I hope it curls in the back like KJs.

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