this little black cat…

had her dance class halloween recital last week.

her teacher, ms. kim, has taught all three of my girls when they were each between
the ages of 2-6, and i cannot say enough good about her.
dare i say, we’ve been going to preschool/kindergarten dance classes
for a decade with ms. kim!

she works magic with this age group,
every week, those girls follow her every move, she’s mesmerizing!
and her energy is magical.

the dancers did a cowgirl-tap dance first…

then they hung on the bars {which is NEVER allowed the rest of the year!} and
pretended to be leaves hanging from a tree.
they were dancing-blowing in the wind.

ms. kim went to each girl & whisked them out of their tree,
and while spinning them, she set them in their places to dance…

you can imagine the giggles!
i love the picture of sela, below…pure happiness!

then she filled this pot below with dry-ice, and in costumes
they did a full dance to thriller! with fog floating around them!
tell me, there’s nothing more appropriate for halloween?!?

i videotaped the entire recital on my iphone,
and more than once this week i caught sela
watching her videos.

she is so proud of herself, and i’m so proud of her!

kj is a huge michael jackson fan,
and i even caught him watching her video a couple of times –
he told her, “sela, you’re sooo cool!” hehe.

LOVE that little tail poking straight out behind her!

sela handed out little black cat boxes of treats to all her dance buddies…
those cute little cat ears – from here, they are barrettes & we couldn’t get them
to stay in really well while she danced, so she wore a headband for a part of the time.

but, those little ears with the orange bow, oh my, a-DOR-able!!!

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