This is one of my weekend plans…I loved the first women’s expo – last year.

May 2nd & 3rd
@ the McKay Events Center, UVU
{{{I have a few extra FREE tickets if anyone would like one, email me, and stop by to pick them up!}}}

3 responses to “This is one of my weekend plans…I loved the first women’s expo – last year.”

  1. Thanks for the invite! It was a fun afternoon… much more fun than staying home to finish Laundry and organize my Craft Room… 🙂

  2. This sounded so fun. Ill have to go next year! Love all the comp. pics from last week. Your girls look like they are amazing little dancers. Just like mommy! You still got moves right? hehe

  3. All I have to say is that my DAD went to that last year with his wife…weird?????? I don’t quite know…..

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