this is how my brain works…


When your environment is cluttered,
the chaos restricts your ability to focus.
The clutter also limits your brain’s ability to process information.
Clutter makes you distracted and unable to process information
as well as you do in an uncluttered, organized, and serene environment.

does clutter distract you? yes? no?

read more here.
{via here}

happy weekend!

what are your plans?!?

i will be de-cluttering.

4 responses to “this is how my brain works…”

  1. I read daily, but rarely comment, I'm weird like that. I must say congrats on moving the family. It is such a great exp. for the kids. They will thank you years to come. I so wish I could talk my hubby into moving around! How do you handle your clutter?? Yearly yard sale? Bags to the thrift store. I'm always looking for great tips. I will be doing the same on Saturday, hoping to do a garage sale this month.

  2. I agree with this, although I can never seem to keep anything organized for longer than a few days!

    This weekend I'll be celebrating Mother's Day and just relaxing. Good luck organizing and an early Happy Mother's Day to you!

  3. i agree, i can't even sleep if my room is cluttered. might be a hint of ocd, but i love having and clean and beautiful space to retreat to.
    xoxo, V

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