think warm thoughts

is one plan…

I am going to sign-out of blogging for awhile. I’m going to focus on my family, Spring, sleep, amongst a few other things. I will still be daily {addicted to} checking in on all of you! Lots of love from me! xoxo

12 responses to “think warm thoughts”

  1. I am with you on this one. I’m beginning to feel like blogging is controling me and my extra time. It is starting to drive me crazy.

  2. I’ll be sad to not see your blog posts. I love them! I took three weeks off, kind of on accident but just do it when you can. I know you guys are the busiest people on the planet: traveling, dance competitions, helping in class, fun parties, etc. All the stuff that makes your blog so interesting!

  3. Ok fine. What exactly do you mean by checking out? You still better post sometimes. I check your blog every day heee hee. I love your blogs. But i guess it’s ok to focus on those things instead of the computer. Good for you!

  4. Jane I should have commented long before now because you always do on my family’s blog. But I am sad to see your blog slow down. I have silently been loving it for months now.
    But, I do understand the reasoning. I have actually had several fellow bloggers do the same thing. It can be a bit much. Hope all is going well. Love you guys! Keep wishing for warmer weather! Maybe we will get it!

  5. I totally agree with you…I am trying to take a break too, my break didn’t last long enough. I have so many important things I need to be doing…good luck to us.

  6. Priorities – good for you! Blogging, like cell phones, is both a blessing and a curse. We won’t get our feelings hurt (though I love that you usually comment on mine within an hour or two of my post!).

  7. It takes time to update these puppies, but it is also great to document what your life is like. You’ll appreciate it later in life. Do you know you can print these off in book form now? Such a great journal!

    I go in waves, but mostly try to alternate between surfing and checking in with people and a day to update, and finally a day to be OFF the computer!!!

  8. Hey girly, Glad to hear that your taking some personal time. You seem very busy, and Im sure that its greatly needed. Dont be a stranger though, its so good to stay in touch. xoxoxo Angie

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