there’s a bob running around our house!

after her haircut, she wanted her picture taken ‘by da mann-a-din in da window’ because she likes to model like that!
her outfit: she picked out all by herself…notice in the first pictures she even had on black fish-net tights! when she got tired of those, she decided she was satisfied with ‘just’ her sparkly red shoes!
on the days she wears her sparkly red shoes, she likes to remind me…
“mom, it’s a pretty day…a sela-pretty day!
…time to wear my sparkly red shoes!”

{sorry for the poor-quality photos, they were all taken on my iphone}

5 responses to “there’s a bob running around our house!”

  1. Oh my goodness… she looks darling! And Gabby and Sela must be soul sisters. Gabby wore the same type of outfit this morning!

  2. oh she is so cute! I love da mann a din in da window. I can just hear her saying it. She doesn't talk a whole lot in class but I always love it when she does. Love the hair cut!!

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