the saga of one saturday afternoon in a photo booth

Here is our family, at the mall, once again at “Mountain Fun” so our children can have a great afternoon playing with their friends. Kiana and her friend Parker discover this hilarious feature on the photo booth and we have to all join in. Way too much fun, I mean, WAY. Here’s the proof ~

Kiana & ParkerMyla & MaddieKJDusty & JaneI hope someone gets at least a smirk out of those.

4 responses to “the saga of one saturday afternoon in a photo booth”

  1. What a riot! I think you should go red 🙂 Love the tip on packing for trips. Have a great time in Mexico!

  2. Well we know what Hair do’s for dusty NOT to have!! hee hee
    They are so funny, i HAVE to go to this place!

  3. LOVE IT!!!! Silver and I both just laughed. That photo booth will have to be our next family outing. I do love the packing tips as well. “A place for everything and everything in its place” my favorite tune.

    And YES I will get on the tulip digging. I just cleaned out the garden, so that will be a next week goal. Oh and I think the other lesson I learned was that I picked the squash to early. Sorry I gave you a unrippened veggie. Have fun in Mexico.

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