the magic of beacon hill on halloween…

believe what you see – those are christmas tree lights in the background of our halloween dinner…

when hurricane sandy was en route to our state, and we were on day two of sitting in the house i told the kids maybe we’ll put the christmas tree up if we get really bored… and when you even mention christmas tree to a six year old girl. she doesn’t let you forget. ::smiles::

first things first — husband made it home safely and in time for halloween! {booyah!} AND! he brought us all cafe rio for dinner the night he flew home to boston from utah. bless his little black soul – he is the best man ever!

and now — our second year trick or treating at beacon hill and all the spooky magic it offers:

it is tradition now, {since last year, ha!} to start and end our halloween night with cocoa, and tea at the beacon hill/boston common starbucks. my little mime was truly a sad mime. sela did not want the evening to end. none of us did. were you happy with your haunted evening???

see last year at beacon hill here, and previous halloweens herehere {one of my finest momma-design-halloween video moments ever: kJ’s transforming costume!}, here and here!

{photos via me, and thank you {!!!} to my friends rachel and lindsey for sharing pictures. xo.}

2 responses to “the magic of beacon hill on halloween…”

  1. I love all of your Halloween pictures! I am so glad the storm didn’t totally spoil all of your plans 🙂 Sorry to hear you are still in limbo with your thyroid. I have a good feeling you are going to be 100% in no time,on account that you are so positive and healthy in every way! Love you so much friend, would give ANYTHING to be there to take care of you post-op!~keep us posted!

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