“The jack -o’lantern chuckled – Then winked his funny eye – I’d rather be a pumpkin face – Than be inside a pie!” – author unknown.

6 responses to ““The jack -o’lantern chuckled – Then winked his funny eye – I’d rather be a pumpkin face – Than be inside a pie!” – author unknown.”

  1. Love it sooo cute!! I think we are going to have a challenge this Halloween again. My son is still afraid of it all. Oh weelll.

  2. I love the “potato head” like pumpkins. Shan has those too. Cute green light for the jack o lantern. Where did you get it?

  3. “the green light” is from Partyland. It can ge green, blue, red, yellow, purple, etc. We used the lights this year in place of candles and we can use them next year – love it!

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