the final parade of pictures from our beautiful days in cabo…

drum roll please…

i hope to never forget…

play time on the patio, in jammies.
{love those santa gifts!}

anywhere you take myla,
she’s going to build a fort…
luckily, this pool provided the space and privacy needed to do so—

{santa brought water bugs = endless hours of fun!}

beautiful kenna with the tweeners favorite choice of beverage,
a virgin-miami-vice.

and every time my iced tea arrived with the splenda tucked under the lime..

{i was smiling}

{water guns from santa, which inspired big attacks poolside.}

big papi is so much fun with our munchkins, there is never a dull moment with him nearby.

i enjoyed our cloudy days as much as our sunny days.


half our group was feeling under the weather for a bit.
kiana and i had both downloaded new audio books to listen to,
sela was taking extra naps,
the bland family was cursed with an awful virus.

we chilled {literally} at the sky pool, with amazing views.

on brighter days, we were back at it—

to say he loves the ocean, is an understatement.

to say we love mangoes and cucumbers bathed in chili pepper…
is an understatement!

a little speck of matchy-matchy between miss four & miss twelve…

purple craze for the tweeners,
even kiana’s iphone & ear buds were purple!

we don’t venture over to this public beach very often,
we tend to hang-out on a more secluded beach.

but, when we do make it over there – we take full advantage of the vendors,
buying their stuff, enjoying their goods.

i always enjoy people-watching to see who buys some of this stuff!

i decided i would at least enjoy the goods for a funny photo op,
and suz was all game…

{we still had to tip to get to use these just for a photo! but not to worry, it wasn’t much…}

and yes, that is money stashed in my top – there’s no where else to put it!

saved the best for last…

finished with the silly pics,
time for a little family picture love…

i realize that with time passing so quickly, i will have to gradually let go of my four babies.
that life will not always be filled with sand castles, and beach football.

…but right now, i drink it up.

because I am aware that mothering these four will not always be my daily life,
i know that loving them, will.

we changed our cabo-dining-rut just once this trip,
and tried “romeo & juliet’s” for pizza & pasta.

totally recommend it!

you can spot the christmas wreath, garlands, and possible the tree in the back—
cabo festively owned its christmas glamour amid sunny skies, and palm trees.

no snow needed.

we loved dining al-fresco…
sela would say, “it’s time for a picnic on the patio!”

our last day of cabo sun-

the little trek from the pool to the beach…

and just when i thought holy crap, this can’t get any better,
the last day presented itself with amazing blue skies,
and only a few clouds…in our little corner of paradise.

see her little smile, that child hood excitement, i drink up moments like this, too…

myla-moosey never gave up trying to build a sand-snow-man the entire trip!


on our final day in the sun, she did it!

our sand-snow-man, after a little visit to photoshop…

bearzy and i, both, really improved our throw on this trip. {myla is a natural. darn girl. and kj is still working on it!} the best part, it pleases us both because big papi gets the most amazing, genuine, big smile when his girls can throw a football really good.

{we like to please}

we love our mexican food,
carne asada tacos, shrimp tacos, ceviche’, chicken nachos,

and these—

my little man, still running around in his underwear,
even as we watch the sunset from our patio—

the closest picture i have to silhouette images…
maybe i’ll work on those, this year.

this lighthouse holds a special place in my heart. it’s sturdy. welcomes us when we arrive, stands tall during the daylight when we peek it’s way, and bears it’s shadow when we say good-bye. on this special night, it made us feel like we owned the sunset.

i have surges of emotion at moments like this, that fuel me. how do i even begin to express these feelings to my children? i want to grab them, all at once, and explain, i love you. daddy loves you. absorb this sunset. look at this world, the world is yours. be good. learn. love. be forgiving. be honest. be hard-working. be loyal. enjoy every moment. live your passion. hold no regrets.

with that said,
the final sunset of 2010…

leaving the warm sand and returning to the bitter cold was not welcoming.

however, the older i get, coming home is just as exciting as leaving, if not more.

and now, we are home.

13 responses to “the final parade of pictures from our beautiful days in cabo…”

  1. Amazing! Totally amazing! Completely and totally jealous. I hope this doesn't mean you are going to leave us every christmas/new year's 🙁 If you do, please oh please put me in your suitcase!

  2. I've been reading for a while now but have refrained from commenting but this post… ahh… I MUST.

    You are the kind of mother I needed when I was growing up. You are the kind of mother I want to be. Thank you for sharing those words and your life's adventures. I take them to heart so much more than you will ever know.

  3. um, your family had the perfect vacation ever!! and you all are so beautiful! IN EVERY PICTURE! and now i am dying to go to Mexico!

    all the swimsuits are gorgeous, you are the only one i know that can mix and match those suits and they look absolutley amazing. Thanks for sela modeling some of the suits i've been wanting for Livi. haha

    you wil love hapari's new bikinis!! seriously go check them out!!

    can't wait to play with you guys this weekend.

  4. this trip looks amazing. im trying to convince my family to do a vacay next christmas, and i think cabo might be just the ticket!

  5. a friend introduced me to your blog and darling family. you are amazing.

    i've loved enjoying cabo thru you and your family…i almost got emotional saying good bye to it too. looks like you had a lovely time. your closing comments to your children made me teary.

    you are lovely.

  6. What a perfect vacation! So sweet. Where did you and your girls get your awesome swim suits? I really need one. Not that I would look like you in it……but gotta start somewhere, right? 🙂

  7. cabo looks amazing! i need to get my family there. such great memories. where do you get your swimsuits for yourself and your girls…very cute!

  8. baby… quite possibly my favorite post. yummy pictures that make me wish we lived there (but alas we'd miss home), great commentary (what was your grade in our English class together?)… my one fault is that I didn't see a picture of me sneaking away for my yummy, healthy, DAILY bloody caesar. 🙂
    oh… BTW… that picture of Kiana throwing… BETTER form that me!! Seriously!!

  9. LOVE this post! I love the pictures! I agree with Shann, how do you look so good at the beach? Don't look at my pictures, you might not want to be my friend any more…hahaha!!!

  10. so kind of random but… where did you get that darling grey tankini with the ruffle on the bottom? too cute. your family is just darling!!

  11. hey Brittney~ {thanks}

    my grey tankini…is actually a one-piece swimsuit, it's "juicy couture" and can be found at nordstrom, bloomingdales, or as long as they are in stock, they keep them season to season, just sometimes in different colors.


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