the end of something beautiful.

i have claimed utah as my home since i was thirteen. the same age as my oldest daughter, this very summer. i have lived in-and-out of utah for twenty-two years. i was born in alaska & “grew-up” in a small northwest town on the coast of washington state, but have spent most of my time in the shadows of what is known as the wasatch front.

so, without knowing how long i am bidding farewell to all that i love along the wasatch front, i made sure to take every possible chance to say farewell to those we love, before leaving…


summer’s birthday lunch – there have been four babies born to four besties at home since i’ve left… i have this dillusion that life is on hold there & it’s hard to believe some of the babies are already 1 month+ old now. i have already been gone for seven weeks. gasp!

summer’s baby boy – ‘graham allen’ was born on sara staker’s birthday this week, welcome to the world baby boy!

bex’s birthday lunch + lunch with lu + lunch with kelli {a girlfriend from college who popped into town before we left!}…

daphne & susan’s combined birthday lunch —

date nights with the stakers & blands…

sunday dinner with our dear dear neighbors, the duckworth family.

our sweet friends, the brown’s – brought us the most delicious hawaiian meal when we were almost ready to move. omgosh, there were these coconut milk rolls – i had never had them before – A-MAZ-ING!!! in fact, i think those rolls started my summer weight gain… ::smiles::

Bex planned an awesome night out with these fancy ladies for me – {wiping tears. i really miss all of them!} she made personal-sized pinatas as the party favors that were the most adorable things EVAH! she slaved over these beauties & i really want to make them for something soon, too!

every woman needs to be surrounded by amazing women, because the inspiration, support, and friendship can truly change your life.

sarah, in the long striped skirt has a little boy & was pregnant & did not know what she was having… a girl was her surprise! and, she named her “pepper,” so cute. amy, on the far right has two girls & had a BOY! “Lewis.” little louie is now the charm of their home.

ohhhhh, congratulations dear ladies. i would love to be there & hold & sniff your yummy smelling newborns. nothing better than a freshly bathed baby all bundled up.

group date night – a final dinner with our buddies—
the child’s, taylor’s, birchall’s, us, and danny.

a little book club/play date swim party – i hope gygi will forgive me for posting this picture, but is she not beautiful?!? love that belly. this momma taught yoga till it was almost her due date! her little ‘lulu’ has come into the world since i left & after two boys – she has a girl! blessed.

bex was a trooper this afternoon – myla asked her for 30 minutes to go down our pool slide as many times as she did – bex did it!

a baby shower for gygi –

the momma-to-be & i were wearing the same shoes – and, again, love that belly!

check out the watermelon-baby-stroller that gygi’s mom made! a great idea if anyone is planning a baby shower soon!


all of these farewells bid hello to an exciting future path. i cannot help but be a bit saddened as i sit here, knowing we are separated by our loved ones by so many miles. however, my soul has always thrived on change and adventure – so, we say adieu to the end of something beautiful, yet i know the good of our past will line our future with the same beauty.

*cheers* to creating your own life – {exactly how you want it – or, at least, very very close} wherever you go.


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