the coolest medieval fair ever, huzzah!!!

the 6th grade classes at our kids’ school just finished studying medieval times.

for the final hurrah, they organized and celebrated with an official joust hosted by the knights of mayhem and a medieval fair! both were incredible. did you know the world-ranked jouster lives in utah? he hails from eagle mountain, utah…fyi. {i didn’t even know “real” jousting still took place! i thought it only existed at the ‘excalibur’ in vegas!}

everything was planned by the sixth graders themselves {and a little help from parents}.

every sixth grade student had a character to play, which also correlated to their position in the fair. for example, there were royalty, knights, bakers, gypsies, etc, etc.

the royalty was chosen based on your school work scores from the medieval unit, and what you requested. each sixth grade class had a king/queen. and…

kiana was the QUEEN of her class! her friend Josh was the king. the other 6th grade class was queen elena & king landon, also one of kiana’s friends. one king and one queen were also chosen to give speeches…kiana gave a speech at the jousting. again, it was very cool.

The royalty were introduced prior to the king’s entertainment.

the jousting was beyond what anyone expected. it was a real jousting tournament, very entertaining & intense. the show starts with comedy and improv entertainment and leads to an exiting display of games on horseback, the skill-at-arms competitions, and finally the unscripted, hardcore full contact, heavy armor joust!

afterwards, all of the grades were allowed to visit the fair, and each student was given 10 tokens to use for food, fortune telling, games, etc. every character/6th grader was in charge of an event EXCEPT the royalty! so, queen kiana just walked around, and she also didn’t have to use tokens…the queen could get whatever she wanted for free! myla, kj, and sela took full advantage of their sister “being the queen!” hehe…nepotism at it’s best, come to think of it, nepotism very likely evolved from days of royalty! i briefly followed kj around and listened to him telling everyone, “my sister is the queen…she gets whatever she wants!” {sounds kinda like real life…}

kiana’s besties were all gypsies, who read palms & did fortune telling in a tent…very appropriate for these girls.

after the medieval fair, the sixth graders had a feast for lunch…everyone donated delicious food – fried chicken, corn on the cob, fruit, desserts, it was…very cool!


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