the adventures of kiana & myla…

my husbands older brother lives on a ranch in reno, just outside of the city.
his wife, is an incredible rodeo-queen coach…

they board horses, and auntie trains on average twenty girls who come and go all week long. some of them stay for a few days, some come for one… but everyday there are pre-teen and teenage girls at their ranch, riding horses & training for rodeos.

a girls horse heaven. you can imagine.

last summer {here}, our girls had the time of their lives while they spent five days at their uncle & auntie’s ranch.

this summer, our girls begged to go again, and they begged to stay longer.

so, about two weeks ago, they packed up their cowgirl boots, hats,
and boarded a plane, together. again.

this time, they stayed for seven days.

at this rate, in a few years, they’ll be gone for half the summer,
if they had their way!

we received three pictures sent via our iphones from this trip…
each picture, kiana & myla are on horses. lovin’ life.

our cowgirls… when i picked them up at the airport after the seven days,

there were endless stories…

hours and hours spent riding horses, sore bums, the horse that was bit by a scorpion, the horse that was attacked by another horse, uncle caught two mustangs one morning, scary trail rides after dark, the vet, afternoon games of ultimate spoons, movies, kiana braiding myla’s hair – everyday, their cousin met his girlfriend on myspace, so much more, and…

myla’s ‘cheese wax’ sculptures…

you ask, what is ‘cheese wax?’

{i had no idea what it was!}

myla ate almost an entire bag of this cheese while at the ranch.
she said she ate 15 pieces, and couldn’t eat anymore, so she asked another
girl to eat five of them…

myla collected the wax from the wrappers. {cool art medium, yeah???}

she molded it all into one ball, and started sculpting things out of it.

while waiting at the airport, kiana took a picture of myla’s rockstar above…
and sent it to me on my phone.

i thought he must have been about six inches tall from the picture,
then i saw myla’s very litte ball of cheese wax in person.

that little rockstar was only about three inches tall –
tell me, are the details not adorable?!?

my cute cowgirl is a cheese wax sculpting genius!
maybe i can motivate her to do an entire collection of cheese wax figures,
and she could have her own art show…

that would be cool.


thank you, kenny & jennee’ for hosting your nieces all week.
they adore you!

6 responses to “the adventures of kiana & myla…”

  1. oh i love that myla! She is so crazy talented! seriously who else can do that with that cheeze wax??!!

    Sounds like an amazing trip for these girls. I love that Kiana braided her hair everyday, what a great sister.

    Wonderful memories!!

  2. That sounds so stinkin fun. They will forever remember their summers at the ranch 🙂

    Myla you are simply amazing. I mean seriously, who thinks of those sorts of things. You are a gifted young lady. Miss you 🙂

  3. I'm not sure what's cooler – the week with the horses or Myla's cheese wax sculpture? Seriously, really creative and even more ingenious that whe came up with the idea to use the cheese wrapper as molding wax. Myla has always been super inquisitive and talented.

  4. What an awesome experience for them, that is SO cool!! Myla is amazing…you definitely gave her your artistic gene Jane! She is so creative. I love all of the pictures!

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