taking “soccer mom”

to a whole new level.

this year, we have three kids playing outdoor soccer. for the past few years, only kj and myla have played, kiana retired a while ago…

but this season, kiana’s interest resurfaced and she’s squeezing in soccer games whenever she can between her 18 hours/week dance schedule…

three kids playing soccer =
5 practices a week,
6 games a week,
for five weeks.

dusty and i love every minute of sitting at our kids’ soccer games…even when they are unsure of their passion for being there {like kj}. kj continues to need a little positive reinforcement a.k.a. bribing to play well, i figure it’s great exercise while he is playing. myla continues to have fantastic foot work and a keen sense for defense, and kiana has come out of nowhere with her awesome forward skills. the weather has been beautiful, and we have 2 more weeks to go! woo-hoo!

with kj’s lack of interest in soccer this season, we have discovered he’s not that much of a team-sports guy {besides in baseball} he is LOVING his tennis lessons, as is his big sis myla…more to come on that, later.

4 responses to “taking “soccer mom””

  1. busy

    i love that kiana squeezed in some soccer time with her friends.
    Myla and her coaches, they are awesome, so cute that shes been with that team for so long!!

    I love KJ, that kid cracks me up, i would love to watch him play soccer. Ew he is so stinkin cute! hehe

  2. You are so busy!!! So fun to go to all those games though. And I can't believe Kiana dances 18 hours a week. I'd love to see her perform!

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