sushi dinner party

our daughter’s party was saturday night & on sunday evening we hosted a dinner party sushi-style to celebrate danny’s big 4-0. needless to say, it was one big weekend full of party love!

who is danny? well, if you are new-er reader to this blog… he is “our” bff. quite often known as “the howell boys,” because he has three handsome sons. these three boys are like three marvelous big brothers to kj. the howell boys even have a label, over ‘on the blog’ list because they are a very frequent visitor in our life.

have you seen the movie ‘you, me, & dupree?” well. yeah. that sums it up.

you, me, and danny.

husband brought home these beautiful seashell lantern lights for me on his last trip to the philippines. he hand-carried them for 20+ hours to make sure they arrived safely {that’s true love.} we plan on hanging them in trees in our backyard this summer. so, it was fun to use them pre-warm weather for this event—

our sushi chef, kaya – he was incredible. for lack of a much better word.

have you {or your kids} tried ramune’ drinks? they are another fun asian beverage. at the top of the bottle is a little cap you remove, then press a marble down in to the bottle which activates the carbonation. you can order them at the local ‘happy sumo,’ and purchase them at most foreign food markets. kiana also used them here, for school birthday treats a while back.

are you a fan of edamame? we all love it, in our family.

a new little thing we like to do to add amazing flavor:
after you steam it, add some bacon & bacon oil {i fried the bacon earlier in the day to be ready & saved some of the bacon oil too, then also cut the bacon into smaller chunks.}

quickly stir-fry the edamame with the bacon & oil. just long enough to heat them together & serve…

{you’re gonna looove it! if you’re a fan of bacon…}

{danny: the walrus—}

crazy-big pocky… this is a treat i have liked long before all the time i spent in asia… have you ever tried pocky? typically, they are much smaller than this.

after our typical busy weekdays, i love how time slows down on the weekends. even with two big events this past weekend, we
had time to chill & hang out in sweats while preparing for the next fun plans. hours pass so smoothly, kids lounge & relax, we focus a tad more on family and friends. we sat around our kitchen table for hours with kids coming and going during the sushi party. my cheeks were so sore at the end of the evening, from laughing.

it’s like we make memorable deposits in to life’s account, and after this past weekend, our account grew richer. happy 40 danny. xo.

7 responses to “sushi dinner party”

  1. Wow your parties are amazing! This sushi one and Kiana's bday party absolutely blew me away. I might have to throw some more parties. You have real talent Jane. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Fun times… the only thing missing was some sort of betting game where a loser had to run naked in the snow or something (Matt W…. if you are reading this… ;)).
    Good times… good friends and some new friends.
    Life is always good regardless of what struggles are going on providing everyone is healthy.

  3. I'm so sad we couldn't make it!! Looks like it was another amazing Jane party. Happy #40 Danny!!

  4. Wow, that is a magnificent birthday party for Danny. He must feel oh so loved 🙂 And those lights are beyond amazing! They definately created the ambience you were going for Jane. The whole thing is just beautiful!

  5. I wish I could get into sushi. I know it's good for you. Tried it a few times, and still haven't aquired the taste. Edamame with bacon looks good – we'll have to try that. My boys LOVE edamame!

  6. hey i swear i commented on this post~ tee hee

    happy 40th danny boy! love that you refer to him as "depree" hahaha
    sorry we missed out, i would have loved to celebrate with you guys.

    This is the year for all the guys turning "40!"

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