sunday afternoons = crafty afternoons.

back to the weekend…

ah, the weekend. where much crafting is mandatory.
if your kids are ever bored and climbing the walls,
might i suggest the ever stimulating craft escape…


happy, little crafters!

warning: a couple months ago, sela woke up one sunday morning, and started crafting without supervision. everyone else was following strict sunday morning sleeping-in protocol. when we woke up, we found she had entered the pantry, very quietly opened all the paint supplies, and thoroughly painted every tile square on the pantry floor.

including a few in the kitchen, and a small trail of paint to the mudroom bathroom, where she made great attempts to clean up her mess, once again, by herself.

my own little picasso.

…we are still finding paint, in interesting places.

and, we {the parents} were inspired to store the paint on a much higher shelf, in the pantry.

2 responses to “sunday afternoons = crafty afternoons.”

  1. Yes, yes 🙂 I have a "nothing to do jar". It's full of popsicle sticks, puffballs, googly eyes, foam shapes, and more. Works like a dream!

  2. of course you have craft days, that's because your children & YOU are so super creative! We are big "color explosion" people! I wish i was more creative. So fun!

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