
Since our kids are attending school at ivy hall academy, they get to enjoy skiing every Monday afternoon during the winter. In January and February they are dismissed early at 11:30am to go skiing at sundance. It is an option to just ski, or an option to take ski lessons. We choose to take our kids and ski with them {well, with one of them!}, Dusty has given them lessons himself over the years and they are awesome!

Kiana rode up with a friend from her class and honestly, I saw that girl on the mountain in quick passing about four times. Each of those passings were so quick I never got a picture of her. How is it I have such an independent ten year old?!?

I had a blast going up the lift about 5 times with Myla, then she bailed on me to ski with Shannon and some friends. I found Dusty and KJ near the end of the day to see how our littlest skier was doing. KJ skied a couple of times the past couple years but this is for sure his big year to gain some skills! He did such a good job today, we were so proud! It was such a beautiful laid-back day to ski with our kids. No powder, but when it’s that warm in January, I’ll take it! I am NOT a cold weather skier.

Also, our family started using “toe warmers” this season. They have a sticky strip to be stuck on the top of our sock/toes before you put your feet in yours boots, they are heaven! a total must.

dusty/me/kiana/myla/kjkiana has been telling us over and over her ski pants were too short this year, and Dusty and I have both been ignoring her. ha! check out those floods! they don’t even reach the top of her ski boots!

8 responses to “sundance”

  1. That was such a perfect day!! Beautiful blue skies and no one was there! I have some super cute pictures of Myla and Kiana, but my email is acting weird! I will keep trying.

  2. That is so cool! And so nice that your whole family was able to hang out together. It looks like it was a gorgeous day!!

  3. Jane I have something for you and yours! “Nose Warmers” yes seriously. They are awesome and cute. We all have them and wear them skiing all winter and sledding too! I am a fair weather skiier too and I hate having cold toes and cold nose. Let me know if you want me to hook you up. Your kids will look darling in them.

  4. Very fun! I can’t wait to take my kids skiing. I haven’t been able to ski much in the last few years, due to my un-attachable stomach:) It looks like you guys had a lot of fun.

  5. What a fun day! I am excited to get my kids going on this. Caden hasn’t been skiing since he was 3! I am guessing we will all need lessons. The best part of skiing for me is hot chocolate and stew at the top of the mountain. I just love that!
    Oh, and I can’t believe you sent Kiana out in those pants! I am sure she has new ones by now!

  6. Jane,

    Fun to catch up with you. You still look exactly the same – just as beautiful as ever. I always enjoyed your sweet smile and cute personality – your family is lucky to have ya. What a gorgeous family you have:)

    Keep up the great work!
    Love ya,

  7. Um, kinda looks as though the Husband-Unit could use some new pants too..
    Unless of course you wear the pants. 🙂
    Keep up the happy!

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