stowe, vermont

last last weekend, we hit the road again for a mini trip in honor of columbus day. this time, we headed four hours north to stowe, vermont.

we joined forces with a huge majority of other fellow-new-englanders and did what people do out here at this time of year: we followed the foliage north, and became leaf peepers!

that’s right – we took a weekend trip just to observe the beautiful shades of leaves this area of the country offers at this time of year.

we stopped by the Ben & Jerry’s ice cream factory in vermont, made visits to three antique shops, enjoyed everything the Trapp family lodge had to offer, and simply enjoyed our time together as a family, once again…

oh, seasons are divine…simply divine, and i’ll be darned if my kids don’t grow up with memories of those calendar treasures being glorified to what they ought to be… enjoyed to the very last drop.

and when we’re not peeping at the leaves up north to satisfy our festiveness for fall, we are…

…living life like banshees. i woke up at six am today, and am going to bed at 3:00am {in a few minutes} with my alarm again set for 6am! we have had some of our favorite guests this week whom lead me to an exciting job {a temporary design gig that i hope to tell you more about later} that has left me shopping. searching. ironing. planning. organizing. in-between all the normal baseball practices. piano. tennis. jogging. breakfast. lunch. dinner. play dates. homework with the kiddos. and one thing propels me to the next. by the end of tomorrow, the halloween decorations should all be on display, my new exciting gig will be complete, and life will return to his normal state of chaos.

all the while, i believe i found one more calling in life for myself.

until i get to share my new design-style-adventure with you — let me ask,

is there anything more fallish than stowe, vermont? i think not.

go bake a pie. go sniff some cinnamon. relish the changing of seasons, even if you live somewhere where the leaves do not turn red, orange, and yellow. cheers to a beautiful time of year! xo.

{all photos by me, Jane Beckner Rhodes}

8 responses to “stowe, vermont”

  1. Absolutely beautiful! I’m really kicking myself right now because I had a chance to go to Vermont when my sister and brother and law lived there while he was doing his medical residency. I guess I will have to live vicariously through your pics!

  2. This looks like a wonderful long weekend! I love Vermont. I’ve only seen a little of it and it’s simply beautiful. I’m excited to hear about this new endeavor. I know you will rock it! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Beautiful! And yes, good luck with the new gig. You’ll do great! And speaking of the von Trapp Family (lucky to be at the lodge!), random fact from The Sound of Music ….at the end of the movie when they’re climbing the hills into what is supposedly Switzerland – they’re actually climbing into Germany! lol! Thanks to my Austrian dad for pointing that out. 🙂

  4. Amazing photos! Fall is definitely one of the best times for photography. (My favorite photo is most definitely the one of Sela on the swing. How sweet is that one?).

    Vermont is also a fantastic place to ski (either at Stowe Resort or any other of the tons of resorts around there. Killington is enormous (aka not crowded) and family friendly). I don’t know if your family is still into skiing but my family had many great ski trips to Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire when I was a kid, so it’s definitely something to consider!

  5. Amazing photos Jane ! Vermont does feel very fallish! I’m such a sucker for this season, I just love fall! The leaves are just strating to change color here in Paris and I love it !
    Btw thank you so much for mentioning Gretchen Rubin’s book The Happiness Project a few weeks back. I’ve just finished it and it was so great ! I’m recommending it to all my friends!

  6. Jane have you ever told us what kind of camera/lenses you use? I’ve tried looking bad though some old posts and comments but can’t seem to find. How much time you you spend editing once you’ve got them transferred to your computer? Or do you do much editing. I love looking at tour pictures pictures and aspire to have a good camera, the knowledge of what to do with it (: and beautiful pics some day. Have you ever taken a class or are you self taught? This would be a great blog post or reply back would be great too!!

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