step up to the plate and…

i can’t stress enough, how important i think this is,
‘create your own happiness.’
are you happy? really happy?
are you so full of zeal each day for what you are doing
that you can’t wait to get out of bed and start your day?
{even if you stayed up half the night blogging…}
are you taking care of YOU?
so often i see women creating unhappiness for themselves…
and it breaks my heart.
change. make the change.
dream. vision. begin. attempt. transform. imagine, and create!
follow your bliss.
live your passions, everyday.

7 responses to “step up to the plate and…”

  1. i think unfortunately a lot of women grow up thinking that worrying about their own happiness is selfish. Hopefully we can all teach the next generation that's it's only when we feel fulfilled that we can be of any use to anyone else : ) way to spread the message!

  2. Your an inspiration:) Thanks for the reminder. It was good to see you today at the race. I didn't make it over to say hello – but you looked fabulous as always! Thanks for the fun blog!

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