spring break day 6

Yesterday we dined for lunch at our favorite sushi stop..Happy Sumo
KJ has figured out if he doesn’t tear apart his chopsticks, he can squeeze his food between them to make it work –
Then my little climber MYLA wanted to go to –

She did about 6 climbs, this was her most difficult one, I was very proud of her – it took her about 20 minutes with that little ledge to get up…
I finally begged her to stop because my forearm and neck were so tired from belaying her…
KJ does NOT like to wear his harness and he is only allowed to free climb on the small wall, but he loves it.
FYI local kid climbers {MOMS} – you can sign up for kids summer camps now, ages 6-12…My girls are registered for 2 separate weeks – call me and/or email me if you have questions and want to join us!

Then, we picked up Grandma Pat and headed to the Mall for Pedicures/Manicures…and an ice cream stop at Cold Stone. In our family, Pedi/mani’s go hand-in-hand with ice cream…for the girlsAnd, last but not least we headed to “Color Me Mine” for Kiana since she missed our first trip there last week –

3 responses to “spring break day 6”

  1. Again Miss Jane! I want to be in your family! So fun! I loved seeing you on GTU! So cute, you and Mindy look great!

  2. oh my, you did it all in one day! I love it!!
    k…So i just watched GTU and you guys looked so HOT!! I love how cute those suits are on you! Way to Promote HAPARI!
    LOVE all the kids with you at Tepanyaki!

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