spring break day 1

The next 9 days we are on vacation in our home town and home state… Kiana spent the day in Ogden for “L.A. Dance Magic,” dance convention and I am going to meet up with her at 7am tomorrow morning for the competition.

Myla, KJ, and I kicked off spring break at Color Me Mine, a local pottery company…
Then we went to ,”Horton Hears a Who,” and L-O-V-E-D it! L-O-V-E Steve Carell, This could be in the ranks of Shrek for me. I thought the animation was awesome – the colors were so bright! favorite lines…
“A person is a person no matter how small!”

“I said what I meant,
I meant what I said,
An elephant is faithful
one hundred percent!”

And, last but NOT least…”I can’t fight this feeling anymore!”
Very well done.

6 responses to “spring break day 1”

  1. We saw this last week and we loved it too! Good luck being home for spring break! I hope the weather holds up for you guys and the kids can spend a lot of time outside. You should have sent Myla to Hawaii with us. Chase always begs for her to come. He would be STOKED!

  2. I have always wanted to go to color me mine. It looks fun and relaxing. Curt is moving to California on Tuesday so I will be spending my spring break with me, myself, and my girls. I’m just looking forward to relaxing and not having anywhere that I have to be.

  3. We are also in town “vacationing” locally for Spring Break. (Although we are also knee deep in Dayne’s B-day Party preparations and a hard-core Spring Cleaning…)

    I’ll call you Sunday to compare notes for next week’s activities.. maybe we can hook up for a day or two! 🙂

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