So You Think You Can Dance

Chelsie Hightower!!!
is our homegrown girl, from Center Stage Performing Arts Studio!

this is where my girls have danced the past 8 years…Center Stage produces amazing dancers. Center Stage has had a number of their past dancers currently as the professionals on “Dancing with the Stars,” “So You Think You Can Dance,” all of the “High School Musicals,” and the new Nickelodeon show – “Dancing on Sunset.” amongst many, many other professional shows/etc…

if you are a fan of the show, then YOU KNOW, Chelsie is awesome!

The next show is July 9th, please watch, and VOTE!

for Chelsie!!!

If you have not been watching the show, our families FAVORITE dance of Chelsie’s so far,
has been her hip-hop piece {with Mark} to “Bleeding Love,”

Dusty has been watching it on Youtube, over and over and over…
Check it out, here.

By the way, I’ve been tivo’ing {word?} So You Think You Can Dance,
and it is the best show to work-out to!
Totally motivating!
It’s great because the performing nights are 2-hour episodes, so even if I skip commericals, when I’m on the elliptical I will zip through at least 45 minutes of the work-out without even knowing that much time has passed. Plus, because I love dance it really pumps me up to work hard. i love it!

Great TV = Great workouts= happy Jane!

7 responses to “So You Think You Can Dance”

  1. I watched it this last time, and i couldn’t remember who it was that i should be watching for… i thought it was the boy “Thayne” oops!
    Now i will know, Thanks!!!

  2. I should try watching it while working out. I totally keep eyeing the clock to see when I can be done. Usually only after about 10 minutes! Anything to keep me on there longer. You’re so cute so it obviously works.

  3. So I totally love Chelsie. I must say though, I was crushing on Will when he did that dance with the shirt! I also really like Katee.

  4. This is my FAVORITE reality show ever! I really like Chelsie too. All of her dances have been so great! But no one compares to Neil from last season!!!!

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