snow in boston!

two hours before myla’s birthday party, the first snowflakes started falling. by the time her party ended, and the guests were being picked up, we had about four inches of snow! {best birthday present for my girl ever!} then, by the next morning we had ten inches of fluffy, white goodness! one of the things we anticipated with moving to boston was to experience intense new-england-style-winters with a constant blanket of snow. so, we were slightly disappointed last year when we didn’t use a single snow day, and didn’t have hardly any snowfall the entire winter!

at bedtime, sela was outside:

snowing in boston

my happy panda

the next afternoon, i rallied husband to go out with me, and build an igloo. complete with twinkle lights:

igloo with twinkle lights via seejaneblog

{we used snow block molds similar to this. i purchased ours locally for only $2.00/mold, so it surprised me to see them priced higher on amazon. look at your local toy shops/walmart/target/etc. our igloo took about three hours to build, for those who are curious}

due to cold temperatures, our snow is still here! this past week, KJ ran home from school every day, checked-in with me, grabbed our sleds, and as i listened to the crunch of boots to snow, he went back to school to sled on the school hill with his buddies. the weather forecast is saying we get more snow tomorrow too. yay!!!

KJ with sleds

from the warmth of our home, i can peek on my little man sledding from the third floor of our house. it’s so fun watching them go down in long trains and open the window just enough to hear all the laughter:

KJ and buddies sledding

sela asks to play in the snow every half hour, and returns even quicker with chilled rosy cheeks. we are making lots of cocoa at our house, the fire is almost always ablaze. i love it all. i love every season for what each offers. in the midst of all this, i am thinking about resolutions–because that’s just what you do this time of year. i want to find more ways to let the people i love know i appreciate them. i want to let go a little more–of fears, of insecurities, of the things that hold me back. 2013 is going to be amazing.

dear readers, is it snowing where you live? are you thinking about resolutions?

{photos by me. all via my iPhone, + VSCO filters, and instagram}

3 responses to “snow in boston!”

  1. Mrs. Jane, I love reading your blog:) You are a creative artist & inspirational mother:) I love your New Year’s Resolutions too! Thank you for being a positive inspiration!!:)

  2. No snow in Sequim! The weather has actually been mild for this time of year. Your creativity always amazes me! I would never have thought of putting twinkle lights in an igloo. I always look forward to New Year’s Resolutios, I’m going to copy you in letting go of things that hold me back. Thanks for the idea.

  3. This year is still mild compared to the winters we used to have (in Ontario… But our weather is similar to the eastern USA), but I’m very excited to see winter also! I’m glad your family is enjoying it. Making igloos should be on everyone’s bucket list 😉

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