sleeping beauty

center stage performing arts studio
ballet department presents-
sleeping beauty, a full-length ballet…{our ballerina’s just finished three shows in two days at uvu}

Myla Rhodes as a “guest at the party”
Kiana Rhodes as a “garland corps”
and Myla Rhodes again as a “sprite”
thank you, thank you, thank you
to everyone who came and supported the rhodes ballerinas…i took the activity day girls for an activity to see the ballet and they were a darling cheering section for myla.


good work to my bearsy and moosey, it seems that just yesterday you were both in tiny toddler leotards running around the house…giggling, together.

now there’s another little todder running around the house in tu-tu’s, and you both giggle with her…you are amazing examples to her.

our family is ever growing and changing.

this week, once again, i was reminded just how much joy my family brings to my life.

they make me complete.

my heart is so full.

6 responses to “sleeping beauty”

  1. omgosh I would have loved to have seen this! Dang!

    Cute Cute Cute girlies! and so super talented, what more could you ask for…
    I love FAMILY!

  2. I completely agree. Nothing better than being a proud parent. It's the best feeling. Love to see the dancing. And wow . . . the beautiful closeup photo of your oldest . . . that is such a pretty picture.

  3. Hey Aunt Jane! How beautiful the girls are getting! It was so good to see you guys a few weeks ago…can't wait to see you again at the next wedding! Much Love~Bridget

  4. WOW! I have some video somewhere of a few dances we did in HS. I should dig those up and send them to you. Your girls would love to know where they got their talent. They are so beautiful and talented!

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