show your love for bronson!

i wish i was the eloquent-creative writer that sara is.

but i am not.

i am brief.
i lack detail.
i am not as captivating.
i cry, way too much, tends to delay my typing.
but, let me not miss a single detail here…

sara is a humble girl with a soul full of love, and faith.
if you know her, you have in some way been shown compassion or
service by her. she is always thinking of others.
it’s literally impossible to know her and not admire her.
she is beautiful on the inside & the outside,
stunning actually.
she is oozing talent from every pore of her body,
a creative genius with the most incredible eye for detail.
she is a devoted daughter,
a loyal friend,
she is a loving, supportive wife
and doting momma, most of all. she adores her family.

matt is extraordinarily humble, full of faith.
a very committed, hard-worker,
he is one of the most genuine people you will ever meet.
he honors his family,
he is always there to help.
he is always there to serve.
he is a true & constant friend,
honest to a fault.
he is the most perfect daddy to his boys,
an admiring, loyal husband.

matt & sara’s beautiful family, which consists of kaden (9), trevan (6), daynen (2), and bronson (16 months) had a terrible, tragic accident ten days ago.

since then, sara has so graciously opened her soul to the world in the past seven days via their family blog. She and Matt are true examples of faith, testimony, and courage. their little bronson is a little miracle as he has survived a drowning accident and continues to improve daily. i believe, as his family does, that little bronson must be the most prayed for baby in the world right now.

bronson’s final prognosis is unknown, and will remain unknown for some time to come. sara & matt are continuing to spend every minute possible at the hospital with little B, and their home is 40 miles away. at home, friends & neighbors are helping to run family life with their three older boys.

the staker family is in awe of the outpouring of love, prayers, and support they are receiving.

sara told me today, “i will never feel alone…ever again.”

but, i am not content with the outpouring of love, prayers, and support.

it is amazing.

but, i, like many others still are feeling the urge to do more…

here are a few options i wanted to share,

1. matt’s sister mindy has said,
“We have set up an account at Wells Fargo.
PLEASE instead of buying food to make them dinner..
Donate $5, $10.. whatever you may have on their behalf.
As we all know the ICU isn’t cheap. Just the life flight for B cost $15,000. :(…
The account is set up under “The Bronson Staker Donation account”.
If we could even make a little dent in what will be an EXTREME amount,
I know they would be tremendously grateful.
In speaking with Matt, I know all he asks for are prayers.
This is MY plea. My desire to in some small way help them.”

2. help a momma out, by buying her book!
sara, being the humble gal that she is, has not shared some of the most exciting news she has had this year – she is officially published now!

sara designed “latter-day occasions: my baptism keepsake,” cover to cover, and the book is beautiful! a portion of the books expense goes right into sara’s checkbook, what better way to support the staker family than to purchase one of her books?!?

Inside you’ll find a wonderful book perfect to give to that newest member of the LDS Church. The cover allows for the child’s picture to be placed inside of it as well as pages in which to write. Each page has meaningful letters signifying important parts of a child’s life surrounded by the Gospel. “M is for Memories” includes several pages to write about this important event and “T is for Testimony” includes a page to write their personal testimony. This would be a beautiful gift for 8-year-old who is about to be baptized.

3. are you doing a remodel? building a new home?

matt is one of the fine owner’s of carpets america,

located in downtown provo.

call them for your floor covering needs!!!


please, share your love for the staker family, for bronson,

this could have been any of us, any one of our babies.




20 responses to “show your love for bronson!”

  1. Jane Thanks for doing this. Where can I buy the book> who is the person that I can order this from? Thanks

  2. You are a sweet friend, she is lucky to have you in her life! We have all been praying for Bronson. She seems like an amazing mother and my heart goes out to her.

  3. you captured sara and matt perfectly. they are wonderful.

    you are fantastic. for real. we are all so lucky to have you as a friend.

    love to you…and especially to sara. matt, bronson and the boys.

  4. hey jessy~ if you click on the word "purchase" which is large and red, it will link you to deseret book, where you can buy the book.

    also, like shannon said yesterday, i would choose an elliptical. 😉

  5. Sara and Matt ARE amazing! I knew them when they were dating and they have loved each other since forever! I bought her book last week for my son Drew who was baptized on Saturday and it is so beautiful! What a neat treasure for the rest of his life!

  6. Jane, thank you for posting this. I don't know the Staker family, but their story has touched my life. Now I have something tangible I can do to help them in additions to my prayers. Thanks again.

  7. Jane thank you so much for posting this…I have also been wanting a tangible way to help their wonderful family…thank you.

  8. I know your intentions are good, but posting their home address on the internet seems risky. There are some "crazies" out there. They now know the parents aren't home, but three kids are, or the house is empty and could get robbed.

  9. You are such a great friend to all Jane! I plan to do all of the above to help out Sara and family, thanks for the info 🙂

  10. You write beautifully!! You captured each of them so perfect in your writing…Your such a great friend Jane!

    I didn't know her book was published already!! She has such incredible talent. Can't wait to get my hands on it!

  11. Thanks Jane, I found it and I purchase already, I think it will be a great gift for all my primary childrens at church they all turning 8 this year!!!! 🙂 thanks

  12. Jane, I love this post! Thank you for being such a wonderful friend to Sara, Matt and their family! If you don't mind, may I post a link to this post from my blog?
    Megan, Matt's sister.
    PS, you forgot to mention Matt's sense of humor and all the teasing he does…but all the other stuff is true too. 😉

  13. Jane, what a sweet post!

    I've been completely overwhelmed with the story of Bronson, as told by Sara. What an incredibly talented writer she is! And what bravery to be willing to share her heart and soul with the world.

    Seeing that picture of Bronson awake, alert and vent-free made my whole day! Woo-Hoo!

    I can't wait to buy one of her books. Thanks for letting me know!

  14. Thanks for the tip with Sara's book! Just purchased 3 of them for my two kids and 1 "to be" one day! 🙂 I am soooooooo happy with Bronson's progress!!!!!!!!

  15. TJ… Crazies are crazies and can google names to find out addresses and telephone numbers like that very easily… First and last names and info have been posted by Sara herself many times… I wouldn't get to worried about anything. We protect as we can and love as much as is possible and anything outside of that happens for a reason as we've seen from Bronson's story touching thousands. I know it's hard but I really try not to get cynical to a point that you live your life looking over your shoulder or saying what if. Thanks for the kind reminder however to be careful.

  16. Neither you nor Sara know me, but I have been following their story for a few days now. My little boy was baptized in January. I saw the book, fell in love with it and actually purchased that book as a gift to him.
    You sound like a GREAT friend. Our prayers and love are with them!!!

  17. Oh, honey… how I love you.
    Truly, I don't deserve you. You are too kind. But oh, I am so grateful for you… What a true, true friend you are.

    Right now our sweet B sleeps, like his little stink-bug self, bum up in the air, arm snuggled tightly around his new favorite pal, Cookie Monster and wrapped in his favorite dump truck blankie… both courtesy of his Auntie Jane. Much love~

  18. Jane…I don't know you, but I'm guessing you're sara's sister? I don't know if you read the comments on her blog, but on her most recent post there is one that is awful and nasty and breaks my heart all over again. I certainly hope she is busy enough with her sweet boy that she will not have seen it. In case you haven't seen it, I am just hoping someone may have access to her blog that could delete it before she sees it. (I might get flack for saying that…but I just thing it is terrible and inappropriate). Thanks for showing opportunities to help this lovely family.

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